Monthly Archives: January 2014

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Dollar Inc. Rules the Day; Inflation and Higher Taxes Are Imminent – January 15, 2014

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Show Highlights: -We announce our gold prediction contest winners for final 2013 prices. How could we all have been so far off? -Physical gold possession going up and prices going down. What’s up with that? -Andy gives his arguments against investing in Iraqi currency trades -The Iraqi Oil…

Paradigm Change: British Docs Turn to Prescribing Books for Depression

by Elizabeth Renter Natural Society If you’re a reader, you know how a book can transport you to another world or make you think about things in ways you hadn’t before. But depending on the content, books can be far more than a form of escapism—they can truly change your life. Bibiliotherapy, or the use…

Supreme Court Gives Monsanto Full Ability to Sue Farmers

Heather Callaghan Activist Post Do you remember the2011 lawsuitfrom the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association 80+ plaintiffs (farmers and small businesses) against Monsanto? They were fighting biotech giant Monsanto’s ability to sue them for patent infringement when genetically modified seeds inadvertently appear in organic/conventional fields. Yes, were talking about thewindor insects carrying GM seeds…

The Thumb Is the Boss Of the 4 Other Digits

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “The thumb is neutral, the index finger is negative, the middle finger is positive, the ring finger is negative, and the little finger is positive. The thumb should be used on the anterior of the body, and the fingers on the posterior. The thumb should be higher than the…

F. William Engdahl – The Latest in World Politics; The Monsanto Cancer; Austerity, Depression and the Death of the Petro Dollar – January 14, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   F. William Engdahl Journalist-Historian-Economic Researcher and Leading Analyst of the New World Order Mr. Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant, author and lecturer and author of the best-selling book on oil and geopolitics, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. In 2010 he…

Dr. David Jernigan, DC – Bio-Resonance Scanningâ„¢ and Circuit Healingâ„¢ – January 14, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. David Jernigan, DC Bio-Resonance Scanningâ„¢ and Circuit Healingâ„¢ Dr. Jernigan is a published author and is nationally recognized as a leader in Biological Medicine and the treatment of chronic illness. Graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition with honors, he received his doctorate at Cleveland Chiropractic College-KC….

13 of The Most Effective Mood Stabilizers in Natural Medicine

By Dave Mihalovic Guest Writer for Wake Up World Pharmaceuticalsprescribed for mood are among the most dangerous due to their side effects and high toxicity to brain chemicals and hormones. Medicinal plants and natural nutrients are extremely effective in promoting neurotransmitter balance while promote relaxation. Here are 13 of the most effective mood stabilizers in…

15 Powerful Things Happy People Do Differently

Luminita Saviuc, Purpose Fairy Waking Times Whatarethe differences between happy people andunhappypeople? Of course, itshouldbe veryobvious:happy people are happy while unhappypeople are unhappy, right? Well, that is correct. But,wewantto know what happypeople do differently, so Ihave put together a list of things thathappypeople do differently thanunhappypeople. 1. Love vs. Fear Well, I can tell you…

Adventures In the Thumbs Up Nation Of New Zealand

Someone asked Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty), “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” He replied, “The chicken. ‘Idea’ comes first. The blueprint is in the egg.” The most ubiquitous gesture in New Zealand is the “thumbs-up” salute. “Thumbs up” is the universal indicator of healthy lungs. Which came first, the thumbs-up gesture or the…

Exclusive: Inside USA Today’s Smear Campaign Against Dr. Burzynski

January 6, 2014 Alliance for Natural Health First they malign the cancer pioneer, then they refuse him the ability to rebut the allegations. Action Alert! In recent months, USA Today has released a spate of anti-natural health articles: An adulatory (some might say “drooling”) review of Do You Believe in Magic?, Dr. Paul Offit’s flawed…

2014 – When Awakening Erupts

10th December 2013 ByZen Gardner Contributing Writer forWake Up World There are exponentially increasing signs of life responding to the rapid deterioration and fascist takeover of our world. These manifestations of life can take time to surface, like seeds germinating and working their way up through the earth and into the sunlight. Life will always…

Open Phone Friday – The Winds of Change: A New World Coming – Preparing for Big Changes in 2014 – January 10, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   OPEN PHONE FRIDAY When Anything Goes… And Usually Does Come play doctor with us!   Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience. Call in and participate; we’d love to hear from you! Show Highlights: -Patrick makes a recommendation for a brand of headphones -What…

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