Monthly Archives: January 2014

NSA has complete control of your iPhone, can activate your microphone and camera without you knowing

  Joshua Cook Ben December 31, 2013 Leaked documents now show what we all suspected: the NSA can turn your iPhone’s microphone and camera on and off without you knowing. According to Der Spiegel’swebsite: “The NSA’s ANT division develops implants for mobile phones and SIM cards. One of these is a spyware implant called…

36 Foods That Help Detox and Cleanse Your Entire Body

1st January 2014 ByJohn Summerly Prevent Disease Practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world –detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain…

Top 10 Ways to Boost Energy Throughout the Day (Without Resorting to Caffeine or Sugar)

2nd January 2014 ByCarolanne Wright   We seem to be suffering from an extreme energy crisis in the West, namely, day-to-day chronic fatigue. With fast-paced lifestyles, sometimes it appears that coffee and sugar are an absolute necessity just to get though the day. But there’s hope. We can ditch the artificial stimulants and instead cultivate…

Doctors’ Financial Rewards from Administering Flu Shots

Catherine J. Frompovich Activist Post What would readers think if I provided an admission in writing from a medical doctor as to a reason why the medical profession should consider administering flu vaccines? What would readers think if one of three reasons for doctors giving flu shots is “the financial health” of a medical practice?…

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