Monthly Archives: July 2014

The Importance of Sleep, and the Hazards of “Dream Deprivation”

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Dr. Rubin Naiman, author of Hush: A Book of Bedtime Contemplations, is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine directed by Dr. Andrew Weil. As a sleep and dream expert, his focus is how sleeping and dreaming affects your health. Four…

Ginger Induces Leukemia Cell Suicide

Heather CallaghanActivist PostGreat news, ginger lovers!This majestic culinary darling does way more than help with nausea and upset stomach. Way more.Recently, a milestone study found that ginger actually fights several species ofdrug-resistant bacteria. It is well documented in studies for shrinking tumors in mice with hard to treat cancers.Here we have yet another study on…

‘Rosemary Is For Remembrance’ ~ Science Confirms Wisdom of the Ancients

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founderof Green Med Info “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance…” ~ William Shakespeare Since ancient times, herbs have been appreciated for their profound therapeutic effects. Science as a form of evidence-gathering did not take the epistemological pole position until quite recently in cultural history, with the evidence of direct experience and the…

States with fracking see surge in earthquake activity

Listen to the interview below on the dangers of fracking Deborah Nardone – Fracking: Dirty, Dangerous, and Run Amok – May 16, 2013   BY EMILY SCHMALL AND JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS ASSOCIATED PRESS FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — States where hydraulic fracturing is taking place have seen a surge in earthquake activity, raising suspicions that the…

15 Superfoods For a Slimmer Body: Their Health Advisories and Facts on Weight Loss

JULY 13, 2014 by NATASHA LONGO Nature provides all you need to slim down and achieve that healthy body you’ve always wanted. Not only are these superfoods proven pound melters, but thy are also key ingredients to your well being. No need for fad diets or special supplements–eating these foods will help you restore your…

Reversing the Symptoms Known As Autism

Kerri Rivera Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism As of May 2013, 93 children previously diagnosed with regressive autism were able to shed their autism diagnosis, their symptoms, and return to an overall state of health and vitality using the protocols revealed in her book, Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism. Kerri Rivera has outlined…

Reading the Mind With Body Dowsing

Body Dowsing (Muscle Engram Testing) is easy to learn. My vision is to pass this easily learned skill set on to others. Body Dowsing is not the same as Dowsing (including Water Dowsing). Dowsing is an art, and very few people can do it. Ditto Muscle Response Testing, although it’s easier to learn than dowsing….

Rick Hanson, Ph.D – Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence – July 10, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Rick Hanson Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence Grounded in brain science, psychology, and contemplative wisdom, ‘Hardwiring Happiness’ shows readers how to build a better brain from the inside out, using the hidden power of seemingly ordinary experiences. By taking just a few…

Karen Shaw Becker, Veterinarian – Integrative Pet Care Expert: Creating Health and Wellness By Removing Obstacles – July 10, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Karen Shaw Becker Integrative Pet Care Expert Karen Shaw Becker graduated from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in Wildlife and International Resource Management in 1989. She received her degree in veterinary medicine from the Iowa State School of Veterinary Medicine in 1997. Dr. Becker completed an exotic animal…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Trading Our Productive Capacity for Paper Dollars; More People Are Getting Rich Than Ever Before – July 9, 2014

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

How to Manufacture the Best Night of Sleep in Your Life

Mark Sisson Former elite marathoner and triathlete; Author, ‘The Primal Blueprint’ Ah, sleep: is there anything quite like it? So easily discarded and discounted when nighttime attractions present themselves and yet so dearly missed and pined after the next morning. You’ve heard me say it enough, so I’ll keep it short. A good night’s sleep…

Another giant nail in the coffin of psychiatry

Jon RappoportActivist PostAs my readers know, I’ve assembled a wide-ranging case against psychiatry.It isn’t a science. It isn’t even close. It’s a hoax.The bible of the profession, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM), lists some 300 separate and distinct mental disorders.However, none of the 300 has a defining physical test for diagnosis….

Steve Mitchell – Understanding the Connections Between the Cancer Protocols of Gerson, Revici, Burzynski, Hoxsey, and Others – July 8, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Steve Mitchell That Crazy Pharmacist Convergence – What does today’s knowledge lend to our understanding of the connections between the protocols of Gerson, Revici, Burzynski, Hoxsey, and other historically successful alternative cancer Docs? As a Semiconductor Product and Process Engineer who had excelled in his career because he…

Dorn Cox – Innovative Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases – July 8, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dorn Cox Innovative Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases In addition to being the director for GreenStart, Dorn is also a farmer working the 250-acre family farm in Lee. He has designed and constructed systems for small-scale grain and oil seeds processing and biofuel…

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