Daily Archives: March 24, 2016

Warning / Mad Fish Disease

Warning / Mad Fish Disease   By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog   Mad Fish Disease (Yellow Fat Disease) kills a lot more people than Mad Cow Disease. Steve Jobs, a pescatarian (someone who doesn’t eat meat but eats fish), may or may not have died from it. Fish-eaters are many times less vulnerable than those…

Dr. Roger’s Sauna Detoxification Protocol

Dr. Roger’s Sauna Detoxification Protocol (The principles outlined below were excerpted from Dr. Sherry Roger’s book “Detoxify or Die”) How to Detoxify Even though the body has one proven mechanism for dumping environmental toxins, many folks can’t sweat. Environmental chemicals have so damaged the autonomic nervous system that it’s like having a broken thermostat. For…

Janet Perry, Pharmacologist – Detoxification and Why It’s So Essential for Well-Being – March 24, 2016

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Janet Perry, Pharmacologist Detoxification and Why It’s So Essential for Well-Being Janet has a Masters from UT SW Medical Center Dallas, a top ten medical school, in Medical Pharmacology, concentrating in neuro pharmacology. She brings to the table 35 years consulting experience with people and animals in natural healing…

Traditional and Infrared Sauna Detoxification

http://www.the-infrared-sauna-effect.com/infrared-sauna-detoxification.html Traditional and Infrared Sauna Detoxification Both infrared sauna detoxification and detoxification by traditional sauna is something we’ve had extensive personal experience with (hundreds of days altogether). The improvements we gained in our health through this process were exceptional. Wanting to share what we learned with others is one of our main reasons for developing…

Ouabain: Nature’s Forgotten Remedy for Heart Health

21st March 2016 By Benedikt Just Guest Writer for Wake Up World Could it be, that the best treatment for heart failure and heart attacks was already discovered 100 years ago, but nowadays even alternative medicine has forgotten about it? For many decades now, heart-related problems have been among the top killers of human life….

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