Monthly Archives: March 2019

Open Phone Friday – Making Sense out of Recall Healing, Karma, Reincarnation and a Relationship with Perhaps with Mom, Dad and Grandpa – March 29, 2019

Open Phone Friday When anything goes… …and usually does!   You will hear that the first ten minutes or so of the show was not recorded.  We thought about blaming Doodle, but w think Patrick just had a fat finger episode: We started the show with a fun call with Steve in New England.  Steve…

Thyroid Body Language #4

Thyroid Body Language #4       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Patients with hyperthyroidism may be argumentative. Edwin F. Gildea, M.D. (“Special Features of Personality Which Are Common to Certain Psychosomatic Disorders,” Psychosomatic Medicine, Sept.-Oct. 1949) wrote … “Patients with hyperthyroidism respond moderately well to supportive psychotherapy but present special resistance to attempts at…

Marcus Allen – Has Mankind Really Ever Been to the Moon? – March 27, 2019

Tin Foil Hat Wednesday Hair raising topics that’ll make your head explode Marcus Allen Has Mankind Really Ever Been to the Moon?   Marcus Allen is the British distributor and publisher of Nexus magazine, about conspiracy theories and paranormal claims. He says his publication offers “news and information that is overlooked, unreported or ignored by…

Root Cause: Keep the Bad Publicity Coming, It Drives People to Do Their Own Research and Sparks Curiosity to Actually Watch the Film

Root Cause: Keep the Bad Publicity Coming, It Drives People to Do Their Own Research and Sparks Curiosity to Actually Watch the Film One Radio Network Don’t you just love “unbiased” investigative reporting? We’re starting to really enjoy the types of articles below in which the sole intention is to immediately jump on the bandwagon…

Thyroid Body Language #3

Thyroid Body Language #3       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Sibling rivalry is associated with hyperthyroidism. <> Theodore Lidz (“Emotional Factors in the Etiology of Hyperthyroidism,” Psychosomatic Medicine, Jan.-Feb. 1949) wrote … “As a group they appear to have been successful rivals with siblings for parental affection. Having at one time felt rejected…

Open Phone Friday – Hidden Infections in the Mouth are Mission Critical to Heal, It’s Just That Simple – March 22, 2019

OPEN PHONE FRIDAY When anything goes… and usually does!   Cone Beam x ray from competent biological dentist can reveal a tremendous amount of information on hidden infections in the jaw Every tooth is tied into various meridian, nervous systems  and organs.  With a root canal or a cavitation present makes it extremely difficult, if…

Bob Hoye – Charts and Markets – Timely Technical Analysis and Insightful Market Commentary – March 22, 2019

Bob Hoye Charts and Markets Timely Technical Analysis and Insightful Market Commentary   Bob Hoye has been in investment business for some 50 years, making him one of the more experienced researchers. His historical work has been thorough providing the first recognition of the fascinating transition from speculation in commodities to speculation in financial assets….

Thyroid Body Language #2

Thyroid Body Language #2       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Gonads link to the thyroid. Havelock Ellis (The Psychology of Sex, Vol. V: Erotic Symbolism, The Mechanism of Detumescence, The Psychic State in Pregnancy, 1906, 1930) wrote … “When animals are castrated there is enlargement of the ductless glands in the body, notably…

Richard Grove – Corporate Whistleblower, Forensic Historian, and Independent Domestic and Foreign Policy Analyst – March 20, 2019

Tin Foil Hat Wednesdays Richard Grove Tragedy and Hope Corporate Whistleblower, Forensic Historian, and Independent Domestic and Foreign Policy Analyst Richard Grove had a very lucrative career as an executive in emerging software and internet technology, before becoming a corporate whistleblower<>, which ended his career in 2004. For the past 15 years, Richard has been…

Howard Vlieger – A Farmer’s Perspective on GMOs and Glyphosate – March 19, 2019

Howard Vlieger A Farmer’s Perspective on GMOs and Glyphosate   Howard Vlieger is not your typical GMO (genetically modified organism) critic. He’s a third-generation family farmer, God-fearing Christian, conservative Tea Party Republican, and lives in northwest Iowa. What makes him extraordinary is that, despite all this, he is not afraid to counter the “promises and…

Thyroid Body Language #1

Thyroid Body Language #1       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog The thyroid gland is associated with thwarted will power, communication, and unresolved arguments. <> Thyroid issues are associated with the Triple Heater Meridian and the ring fingers of both hands. The left ring finger indicates a male trauma. The right ring finger indicates…

Atom Bergstrom – All Good Conspiracy Theories at Just The Right Time – March 18, 2019

Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Living Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle Davis,…

Parents Keep Kids Home and Demand Sprint Remove Cell Tower from School Property After 4 Kids and 3 Teachers Get Cancer

Parents Keep Kids Home and Demand Sprint Remove Cell Tower from School Property After 4 Kids and 3 Teachers Get Cancer     Activist Post By B.N. Frank Since 2017 parents have been asking that this cell tower be removed from school property. Now four children and 3 teachers in 3 years have developed cancer.  An independent building biologist has…

Sugar Papers Expose Industry Plot to Frame Fat for Heart Disease

Sugar Papers Expose Industry Plot to Frame Fat for Heart Disease   GreenMedInfo It sounds like a movie plot – men with dubious intentions, a trove of secret documents, and a red herring to distract people from the truth. But unlike cinema, this story is 100% real-like the dangers of sugar that industry execs tried…

Menstruating From WHERE?

Menstruating From WHERE?       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Janice Delaney, Mary Jane Lupton, & Emily Toth (The Curse: A Cultural History of Menstruation, Second Edition, 1976, 1988) wrote … “The extremely rare phenomenon vicarious menstruation is a monthly bleeding from a mucous membrane other than the uterus. Most of the cases (70…

The Higher the Iodine Number

The Higher the Iodine Number       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Re: Any other suggestions on healing hypothyroidism? Sometimes less iodine is more iodine. T4 is thyroxine. It contains four atoms of iodine — storage iodine. T3 is triiodothyronine. It contains three atoms of iodine — working iodine. T4 is a prohormone, and…

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