Patrick Timpone


Atom Bergstrom

Time Conscious Eating and Lifestyles for Longevity

A Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles, Gosta Ingvar “ATOM” Bergstrom was raised in New Jersey and the San Fernando Valley of Southern California.

Atom has been teaching workshops and seminars across the U.S.A. since 1977. With over 50 years experience in health and nutrition, Atom has been counseling people with various diseases and ailments since the 70’s. His expertise is on nutrition, chronobiology, reflexology, slit-lamp iridology, meditation, Sufi, and I Ching and other holistic modalities. He graduated from Adano Ley’s Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences in 1979.

Show Highlights:

-How are the people in CA dealing with the drought?

-Pistachios for the eyes; ever notice they look just like an eye?

-Atom explains how eating foods at a certain time of day can buffer the insults on food

-What happens with sound current? The first level is the buzzing of the bees. Atom explains how the guitar got it’s shape

-We got many emails about Ebola. We ask Atom for some advice; educating your immune system by freeing the engrams

-The shape of our houses and wearing dunce caps; what do these shapes have to do with IQ?

-When should you drink vegetable juice?

-Healing leaky gut

-A listener refuses to take a nap; is this unhealthy? What’s the best time to nap in case this listener changes his mind?

-Atom comments on inclined bed therapy

-Listener question:I have a big problem with sweet foods, in that I love them, but in the last few years I’ve developed a form of psoriasis in the knuckles and in between my fingers on my right hand that flares up when I overload on junk food and sugary foods, a similar thing happens to the inside of my left forearm when I overdo it on grains which aren’t fermented by me at home first.Almost 34 revolutions around the sun, never breastfed by a very cold and distant mother (thank God for my dad as he showed me the love that my mam never could&still can’t). I have a history in alcohol abuse and recreational drug abuse in late teens and the best part of my twenties, after being brought up on the SAD diet for 30 years until I moved to bio. I try to eat on time and succeed
80-90% of the time.Any advice? special cleanses like the tomato juice and molasses? Can’t find the exact proportions for it anywhere, can you specify?

-What is Willard water and what does Atom think of it?

-Is there a difference in thinking something consciously and thinking it out loud?

-Is there an explanation for deja vu?

-Is ringing in the ears a sign of some kind of deficiency?

-A listener’s breast milk is no longer ‘letting down’ after a bout with the flu, Atom gives some advice. Another listener recommends Fenugreek.Choline and Inosital power… 1000 to 2000 mg’s per day buckets of milk will be produced, says another listener

-What’s the best time to take sulfur?

-Atom explains why there’s no money in getting people well

-Bringing Ebola to this country to weaponize it?

-What does Atom think of coffee enemas and what’s the best time to do it?

-Correcting hypercoagulation

-What’s good for sore shoulder joint pain, not sure if it’s cartilage or a rotator cuff tear?

-Is there a formula for white teeth?

-Listener question:Atom has on his site the chemistry chart, is there any way to get a readable copy of that paper and best way to use it.? I live in GA, trying to understand the Chronological food structure according to my area and since I have an issue with my digestion, what should be the proper intervention.

-Why you should never use mouth wash

and so much more!

Atom Bergstrom 5

Atom’s Blog

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Sun Sync Nutrition


time conscious eating and so much more with atom bersgstrom, august 4, 2014 , hour one

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