Re: How do you eliminate an upper and mid-belly bloat? What causes it? It seems like waist size can change inches in hours.

If the toxic emotional trauma or traumas are (1) identified, (2) purified, and (3) embodied, physiological change can theoretically occur instantaneously.

It usually takes longer than that due to the linear time-bound thinking of the Occidental mind.

The Greek word for “purification” is CATHARSIS.

Genuine catharsis results in (1) release, (2) relief, (3) renewal, (4) restoration, (5) revitalization, and (6) regeneration.

Dr. Carl Jung (1875-1961) abandoned the concept of “trauma theory” because he was unable to face his own boyhood trauma of anal rape by a religious mentor.

Dr. Jung converted this specific trauma to a nonspecific fantasy of God destroying the roof of a cathedral by taking a huge dump on it.

This defecation fantasy is in Memories, Dreams, Reflections, published in English in 1963, two years after Dr. Jung’s cosmic vacation.

The trauma behind this fantasy was not in that book.

Dr. Jung wrote (in 1914) …

“Many traumata were so unimportant, even so normal, that they could be regarded at most as a pretext for the neurosis. But what especially aroused my criticism was the fact that not a few traumata were simply inventions of fantasy and had never happened at all.”

My research shows otherwise.

ABREACTION is the psychoanalytical term for the release of emotional tension via recalling a repressed emotional experience.

The U.S. military abandoned abreaction as a viable therapy in 1945 because, according to the military, it had “no observable benefits.”

They didn’t know my method of identifying “original traumas,” but that’s not the main reason abreaction had “no observable benefits.”

The main reason was because the military was “told” to abandon non-drug therapies so the Coal Tar Cartel could ultimately inundate the entire world with psychosomatic drugs – Better Living Through Chemistry.

Let me get it on record that I’m a pharmaceutical Calvinist. Phooey on drug therapies of any kind.

To sell their poisons, pharmaceutical corporations sponsored research to put the cart before the horse.

No disrespect to Dr. Daniel Amen, but he’s one of the worst offenders with his promotion of SPECT scans and pharmaceutical resolutions.

Horse Before the Cart / Specific emotional engrams cause the brain to chemically change, but the Coal Tar Cartel claimed (and still do) the reverse …

Cart Before the Horse / Brain chemistry causes the brain to be unable to cope with its environment so they can sell us gazillions of dollars worth of “mother’s little helpers.”

Do you remember the lyrics to The Rolling Stones’ song? …

Mother needs something today to calm her down
And though she’s not really ill
There’s a little yellow pill
She goes running for the shelter of a mother’s little helper
And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day.

So it allows a person to get off the hook by converting his hatred of his father or mother-in-law into a serotonin deficiency.

Regrettably, the surest way to “change your brain” is to kill your father or mother-in-law, engendering secondary engrams more serious than the original one.

It’s hundreds of times better – and hundreds of times more moral – to recontextualize the original engram by purification (catharsis).

My friend Greg Whiteley of Aquarian Lifestyle Research said …

“You either believe in victims or you believe in karma. You can’t believe in both.”

Ultimately, catharsis leads to SELF-REALIZATION.

GOD-REALIZATION, on the other hand, has absolutely nothing to do with trauma or engrams.

For more info on engrams and trauma, read …

Body Language Systems: Body & Organ Language & Muscle Engram Testing.

The NEW EDITION (now with five appendices) is now available at its original price of $4.95 till June 1, 2013 at …


'Catharsis (Purification) Leads to Self-Realization' have 7 comments

  1. April 4, 2013 @ 6:55 am lydia

    Hi Atom
    Is there any truth in underwired bras contributing to breast cancer. It is thought the wire in the garment causes the restriction and congestion in the lymph nodes found around the underarms? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


    • April 4, 2013 @ 7:16 pm atomb

      Yes, underwire bras can cause lymphatic congestion, pain, allergic reactions, or mastitis.

      This is especially true when wearing an underwire bra all day long.

      Metal underwire bras are implicated slightly more than plastic or resin because of the deflection of bio-electricity and bio-magnetism.

      A softcup bra or no bra at all are better choices.


  2. April 5, 2013 @ 4:23 am lydia

    Hi Atom
    Yes as I thought. Many thanks for all your information.


  3. April 6, 2013 @ 2:23 pm RadioGuGu

    And Maybe “Apocalypsis Leads to …” in a new blog entry ;)

    Thanks! :)


  4. April 8, 2013 @ 11:10 am Lucy

    Hi Atom,
    Since I’m in chronobiotic nutrition I’m starting to waking up to my true life’s goal,my true self,after my happiness.
    Does it has to do with the diet lifestyle? You once told me that chronobiotic is not for everybody,and I’m on it because I face my stuff.So,if I’m on it it is because I fase my stuff or I face my stuff because I am on it?
    Thanks again and again always. <3


    • April 8, 2013 @ 10:06 pm atomb

      It’s both, Lucy.

      Cause happens before effect in a relative field.

      Effect happens before cause in a unified field … and simultaneously.

      Keep facing your stuff. :)


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