The first time I saw an energy-field overlap between parent and child was at Adano Ley’s “Karma Klinic” in Houston.

A screaming child was brought to Adano (Swami Nitty-Gritty) for therapy.

The boy had been shreiking all morning, and the parents had been rushing him to a hospital, but decided to stop at Adano’s on the way.

Adano attempted reflexology on the boy’s feet, but he kicked his little legs like a windmill and screamed like a banshee.

Adano stood up, looking annoyed.

He motioned the parents closer.

He massaged both of their left shoulders.

The boy fell deeply asleep in less than a minute.

Adano lifted the sleeping child into his lap. There was absolutely no response.

He did a major neck adjustment, moving severalvertebrae. The boy continued sleeping.

Adano adjusted the boy’s neck in the opposite direction, moving still more vertebrae.

The boy sleepily opened his eyes. He looked disoriented as if he wasn’t quite sure where he was or what he was doing there.

He didn’t make a peep.

Adano asked the father, “What did you do to upset him?”

The father explained that he wouldn’t let his son accompany him to the store, and that’s when the tantrum started.

Adano advised, “Touch him when you tell him that next time. Then the trauma won’t print.”




'Child & Parents Are One' have 3 comments

  1. August 16, 2011 @ 8:07 pm Helen

    OMG Atom!
    This is soooooo relevant, more please!

    Would the yawning you recommend be able to clear any imprinting that has already happened?

    What else can be done, once harm is already done?

    Other than touching a child when telling them ‘no’, what else can be done?


    • August 17, 2011 @ 8:01 pm atomb

      It’s a 2-way circuit between each parent and child.

      A parent is only “responsible” for their end of the circuit, and not for the child’s.

      A parent can do their “energetic” part by …

      (1) yawning,

      (2) stretching,

      (3) recycling through the colors,

      (4) being as healthy as possible, etc.

      The sperm and ovum are carriers of “karma” (carbon dioxide).

      A parent is often just the “middle man” or “middle woman” of an energetic pathway that may persist for 4 or 5 generations – if the religionists and geneticists are credible.

      Ultimately, a child is actually a product of the sperm and ovum, not of the parents.

      Guilt disturbs the circuit.

      Loving thoughts and actions upgrade the circuit. :)

      Ask me more about this on Patrick’s show because I have many stories to illustrate the principle.


  2. August 17, 2011 @ 8:13 pm atomb

    Swami Nitty-Gritty taught the “8 stages of volition.”

    The single cell in the womb represents “evolutional volition,” an “ion that determines the direction it will go through its own perpetual motion.”

    He said, “To be a single cell in the womb, the mother had to crave it so. This is the ion that determines the direction it will go through its own perpetual motion. Volition stands for voting ion. This is when the sperm meets the ovum. It is evolutional volition – obedience to the rules is primary.”


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