Breasts are associated with nurturing, nourishment, and mothering.

“To threaten the breast is to strike at the very core of her feminine orientation,” according to Richard Rennecker and Max Cutler.

The centrality of the breast was not as pronounced during the Flapper Era, which was a vaginal revolution, not a mammary one.

“Legs” was a four-letter word before the flappers came on the scene. Women walked about on “limbs,” not “legs.”

Flapper women had twice as many orgasms during premarital sex than their mothers preceding them.

Flappers of the Jazz Age – Clara Bow, Helen Kane, Zelda Sayer Fitzgerald, Coco Chanel, etc. – dressed to be “slender” and “lithe,” and minimize the focus on their breasts.

Flappers sometimes wrapped cloths around their chests to minimize the size of their breasts.

The carnage of World War II shifted attention to the breasts as a symbol of what the Great War was destroying – nurturing, nourishment, mothering, caregiving; hence, “sweater girls” and “torpedo bras.”

The oral fixation of the 1940s continued into the 1960s with women such as Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, and, especially, Jayne Mansfield the “Cleavage Queen.”

The Mansfield “Bust Thrust and Lean Over” move (often photographed from a high angle) catered to cigarette-smoking men basking in the oral stage of their psychosexual development.

Edward Lehman, M.D. (“Feeding Problems of Psychogenic Origins: A Survey of the Literature,” The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Volume III/IV,1949) wrote …

“For the mother, [M.P.] Middlemore describes breast-feeding as a ‘delightful experience,’ and for the baby it must be similar. Even the term ‘alimentary orgasm’ has been used by [S.] Rado for the gratification that results from satiation. Today breast-feeding is very frequently neglected, often for the convenience of mothers, who thereby express some unconscious rejection of their infants.”

I recently met a young mother who was having trouble producing breast milk.

The Engram Colors were gray and green. (She was also wearing a gray sweater.)

GRAY indicates a “mother trauma.”

GREEN indicates a “resentment” and/or “pregnancy” trauma.

Antonyms of “resentment” include “love,” “liking,” “affection,” “fondness,” “regard,” “attraction,” “attachment,” “pleasure,” “happiness,” “devotion,” “charity,” etc.

Breasts are a baby’s first connection to the external environment.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Automatic will power is birth with breath. It is an automatic function of the cell to breathe. Automatic power is reinforced by environmental power in the form of the breasts.”

… and …

“The length of time between cutting the cord and the mouth a the breast is the anguish pattern for the person who is greedy for more than others.”

John R. Lee, M.D., Jesse Hanley, M.D., & Virginia Hopkins (What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause, 1999) wrote …

“Breast cancer is well-studied, and out of all this research, a very clear breast cancer personality has emerged. She is a woman who can give to everyone else, but cannot, or is not allowed to receive. She’ll go to the grocery store to buy favorite foods for everyone in the family, but if you ask her what her own favorite foods are she may not even know. Dr. Hanley describes this as a shutdown of a woman’s own nourishing and nurturing cycle, and the breasts are a symbol of nourishment. When the self-nourishing cycle is broken, the self-nourishing cycle becomes stuck in the breasts.”

Adano advised …

“Breast cancer is caused by a lack of self-nurturing. If women would self-massage their own breasts with love, there would be no more breast cancer.”

Squeezing, massaging, and caressing a woman’s breasts pulls energy up into the Heart Chakra and thymus gland, promoting contentment and pair bonding by releasing such hormones as oxytocin and vasopressin.

Oxytocin plays a major role in preventing breast cancer.




'Environmental Power of the Breasts' have 8 comments

  1. November 24, 2011 @ 2:10 pm atomb

    Bee pollen can cause mild to severe allergic reactions, so Swami Nitty-Gritty advised, “Breast-fed people can digest it better.”


  2. November 24, 2011 @ 2:21 pm atomb

    Butterball turkeys have pumped-up breasts.

    Jim Hightower (There’s Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos, 1997) wrote …

    “Ninety percent of the half-billion turkeys sold in the world each year are derived from only three breeding flocks that are maintained on secretive, highly guarded farms surrounded by chain-link fences. Owning these three flocks, and thus controlling the world market of breeding turkeys, are Merck & Co. (the pharmaceutical giant based in New Jersey), Booker PLC (the British food conglomerate), and British Petroleum (the world’s fourth-largest oil company). All three flocks are of the white breed, assuring such dominant commercial grower as ConAgra Inc. (owner of Butterball) that each and every one of their turkey chicks will uniformly develop those pumped-up breasts. But such genetic uniformity has its ugly side. Not only can these hapless birds not mate, they also are bred to be so heavy and are so disfigured that they can barely walk more than a few feet, and many cannot even stand on their own two drumsticks, so they spend their abbreviated lives mostly squatting in the sawdust or dimly lit turkey houses, jammed wingtip to wingtip with hundreds of their genetically altered siblings. This breed cannot survive on its own, so the birds must pass their entire existence in environmentally controlled buildings, where machinery automatically dispenses a steady ration of feed that is rich in artificial growth stimulants, but often denies them such basic minerals as iron. (To create ‘a whiter white meat,’ iron is eliminated from the diet because it imparts a healthy reddishness to turkey flesh and, well, this is not what the marketing department ordered.)”


    • January 5, 2012 @ 9:11 am Joan

      Thank you for this valuable timely information and for speaking with me on Patricks Show. I do need more guidance from you. I am doing the l/2 lemon first thing in the AM and last thing in the PM with a chewing of the seeds minus the kernels.

      I also need to take levothyroxine first thing in the morning as well as my potent probiotic and am unsure of what is the best way to accoplish all. What I have been doing is heating a little warm water (4 – 6 oza) into which I place the 1/2 tsp of the probiotic, Ultra Flora Plus and drink it after placing the thyroid pill in my mouth. Then I mix the lemon juice with 6 ozs warm water and drink that after which I chew the seeds minus the kernels (quite a job to get them out but am getting more proficient with this.)

      I am also massaging my breasts with love daily as often as I think about it.

      If you have any other suggestions I would appreciate hearing them.

      Kindly advise:
      1) Why do we need to take out the kernel.
      2) Why we need to chew our food 100 time before ingesting. What are the benefits?


      • January 5, 2012 @ 12:25 pm atomb

        Joan …

        If you send your phone number to [email protected] and tell me a good time to call you, we can arrange a consultation.

        You can make a donation, and if you’re short on money, we’ll talk for free.

        Meanwhile, the rule about lemon (and all citrus) is the same as the Melon Rule …

        Eat them alone or leave them alone.


        • January 13, 2012 @ 11:16 am Joan

          Thank you Atomb. Will do.


  3. November 24, 2011 @ 6:36 pm atomb

    Damaris Christensen (Science News, Aug. 10, 2002) wrote …

    “The longer a woman breast-feeds her children and the more children she has, the less likely she’ll be to develop breast cancer.”

    Incidentally, research shows breast cancer surgery is safest on the seventh to twentieth day of a woman’s menstrual cycle.


  4. November 25, 2011 @ 3:48 pm atomb

    Re: Do you know anything about a disease IBM?

    The medical mainstream offers no cure or treatment (that I know of) for inclusion body myositis.

    Prion proteins make it resistant to drugs.

    IBM is progressive and degenerative, but not fatal.

    It’s often confused with polymyositis, a treatable disorder, so it’s wise to get a second opinion.

    IBM’s progression can be slowed down considerably by EXERCISE.

    Non-linear, non-repetitive strength workouts are creatine-sparing.

    IBM is inflammatory, so it’s one’s highest choice to stay acidic and anabolic by eating raw foods and by being on a more protein-intensive diet than usual.

    Sun-ripened tomatoes are rich in muscle-building free-form L-glutamine, and supplementing with hydroxymethyl butyrate (HMB) may help.

    Undercooked meat may be a cause of IBM.

    Ditto hepatatis C virus infection.

    Because all “dis-eases” are ultimately cases of “Who’s the matter with me?”, finding and “decaying” the ENGRAM (traumatic snapshot) is paramount.

    Richard Wolfgang Semon (1859-1918), who coined the word “engram” and the term “engram complex,” wrote …

    “The fixing of attention on specific points in the simultaneous complex acts as a dissolvent and dissociates these parts from the rest of the complex.”


  5. January 19, 2012 @ 1:24 am atomb

    Underwire bras are implicated in breast cancer.

    The Orient has foot-binding; the Occident has breast-binding.

    Underwire bras are ‘sposed to be the leading cause of metal detector false alarms.


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