Atom’s Blog

Eugenicists didn’t hide behind euphemisms like “biotechnology” and “genomics” before the Second World War.

Eugenicists continue to rule the world. The names have changed, but the game is the same.

Eugenics is a patriarchal pseudo-science, and remains prejudiced against women and their contributions to health; e.g., gardening, horticulture, herbal science, holistic medicine, etc.

William Goodell, M.D. (1829-1894) was a gynecologist and eugenicist.

He (“Clinical Notes on the Extirpation of the Ovaries for Insanity,” The American Journal of Insanity, January, 1882) wrote …

“In the interval between the monthly fluxes, the patient may be either wholly sane or at least quite controllable. Esquirol and Morel have gone so far as to assert that derangements of menstruation form the source of origin of one-sixth of the cases of insanity due to physical causes.

“Now it seems to me that, since the verdict of the profession is largely in favor of the removal of the ovaries for many physical derangements dependent on menstruation, the same remedy should a fortiori be tried for those mental derangements which plainly arise or seem to arise from the same source. The objections to such remedy when applied to mental diseases, are in fact less valid than when it is resorted to for physical lesions. For, in the first place, an insane woman is no more a member of the body-politic, than a criminal; secondly, her death is always a relief to her dearest friends; thirdly, even in case of her recovery from her mental disease, she is liable to transmit the taint of insanity to her children and to her children’s children for many generations. The removal, therefore, of the ovaries in such a case, would then tend to restore a woman to home and to society, and it would at the same time effectually bar her from having an insane offspring. I am, indeed, not sure that in the progressive future, it will not be deemed a measure of sound policy and of commendable statesmanship to stamp out insanity by castrating all the insane men and spaying all the insane women.”

This removal of healthy ovaries was called “Battey’s operation.”

About one out of five women died from it, but the surgery continued to be performed.

M. Thiery (“Battey’s operation: an exercise in surgical frustration,” European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, Dec. 1998) wrote …

“Robert Battey (1828-1895) introduced bilateral oophorectomy for the treatment of non-ovarian conditions in 1872, coining the term ‘normal ovariotomy’ for the operation. Normal ovariotomy – a contradictio in terminis – was practised widely for several decades. Alfred Hegar (1830-1914), among many other gynaecologists, extended the indications of Battey’s operation to include the treatment of various ovarian conditions as well, e.g., small tumors. Better insight into female physiology and ovarian function finally pushed the sinister operation of Robert Battey from the scene.”

'Eugenics Has Always Been an Anti-Feminist Science' have 6 comments

  1. June 13, 2014 @ 10:41 am atomb

    Check out Sun Sync Nutrition’s comprehensive Website at …

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  2. June 13, 2014 @ 10:43 am atomb

    Eugenicists still think the human body is a machine that can be tinkered into submission.

    For example, Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google, regards his own gene mutation of LRRK2 as “a bug in his personal code, and thus as no different from the bugs in computer code that Google’s engineers fix every day.”

    According to “Enlightenment Man,” The Economist, Dec. 6, 2008 …

    “Mr Page, Mr Brin and his wife, Ms Wojcicki, have brainstormed with people such as Craig Venter, a biologist who helped map the human genome. Mr Brin instinctively regards genetics as a database and computing problem. So does his wife: she co-founded, with Linda Avey, a firm called 23andMe that lets people analyse and compare their genomes (made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes).

    “The relationship between Google and tiny 23andMe has on occasion raised eyebrows. Google is an investor, although Mr Brin has recused himself from decisions about it. But Mr Brin and Ms Wojcicki are quite the marketing pair. When the global political and economic elite gathered at Davos, a big draw was 23andMe’s ‘spit party’ where the rich and famous salivated into tubes to provide DNA samples. A cynical view of Mr Brin’s Zeitgeist announcement is that it was just a marketing stunt. Ms Wojcicki and Ms Avey were in the room as he spoke.

    “More likely, Mr Brin and his wife have genuine faith in the value of genetic knowledge for its own sake. They get their kicks by comparing whether they share the gene that makes urine stink after eating asparagus, or the one that determines whether earwax is mealy or oily. But they do ultimately regard it as code. And code, as Messrs Brin and Page often say, benefits from many eyeballs, which is why Google typically uses and releases open-source software, such as its web browser and mobile-phone operating system. (It does, however, keep its search and advertising algorithms private.)

    “Mr Brin was therefore setting a public example with his announcement at Zeitgeist. Let everybody discover their genomes, through 23andMe or another firm, and then feel comfortable sharing the code so that others – patients, doctors, researchers – can get to work crunching the data and looking for the bugs. Throughout history, the prospect of greater access to knowledge has frightened some people. But those are not the people that Sergey Brin mixes with in Silicon Valley.”

    I definitely won’t be sharing my genetic code with these Antiquarian Age eugenicists. How about you?


  3. June 15, 2014 @ 5:30 am John

    Hi Atom,
    do you have a Kidney cleanser/rebuilder drink ?


    • June 17, 2014 @ 3:54 pm atomb

      Cranberry nectar (a combination of cranberry and grape juices) between 5:00-7:00 p.m. (Kidney Time). :)


  4. June 19, 2014 @ 3:56 pm atomb

    Brilliant AtOM,
    Now the question is whether our genetic information is being harvested and kept every time any of us takes a blood test regardless?

    23andMe was promoted very heavily to parents of autistic children on many autism blogs and facebook pages! Parents used (and still do) Doctor’s Data and Metamatrix. I now wonder if that was another genetic code harvesting? and who is behind it?


    • June 19, 2014 @ 4:09 pm atomb

      This is very valuable information!

      The Pervasive/Invasive Surveillance Society has become the 800-pound gorilla in all of our living rooms.

      Soon we’ll have proctoscopes spying up our nether regions.


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