Atom’s Blog

Re: What’s the best way to get back on track after eating “out of time”?

Resume eating “on time” like you never stopped.

A fast done correctly (most are not) is “fast,” not “slow.”

Time Conscious Eating is “fast” eating to “slow” the body down, while Lunar Unconscious Eating (“cafeteria-style eating”)is “slow” eating to speed the body up — and the aging process goes along for the ride!

Time Conscious Eating is “fasting” without breaking the speed limit.

'Fasting for Slow Oxidation' have 2 comments

  1. April 12, 2011 @ 1:53 am shellinspector


    I agree with you, eating on time and in moderation is by far more effective on a daily basis than eating “normal” and fasting to get relief. However, I still think fasting done once or twice per year is a great way to regenerate both physically and spiritually. In your book you do not touch the topic of fasting. It would be great to hear your guidelines on correct fasting, even in a few short sentences. Water or no water? Enemas or no enemas? 3 days or 2 weeks? Work as normal or stay at home and do nothing?


  2. April 13, 2011 @ 1:11 pm atomb

    A “fast” is designed to be “fast,” not “slow.”

    The velocity of a “fast” approaches zero after 3 days unless re-accelerated.

    I’m a former “super-duper pooper scooper” (colonic therapist) who — in the minority — doesn’t recommend colonics while fasting.

    Enemas are OK.


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