Recent media buzz is about losing weight by drinking cold water.

Yes, you WILL burn more calories, but, paradoxically, you’ll GAIN weight.

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

To lose weight, do aerobic exercise at Spleen Time and drink Spring Temperature liquids immediately after.

To gain weight, do aerobic exercise at Bladder Time and drink Autumn Temperature liquids immediately after.

Weight “loss” and “gain” is more about PHYSICS than chemistry.

Spleen-Pancreas Time is from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

Urinary Bladder Time is from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Less or more mass is a constriction-dilation phenomenon, what is known in Asia as Yang and Yin.

Yang is a centripetal energy, and Yin is a centrifugal energy.

The best time to exercise for weight loss is just before a thunderstorm.

The drop in barometric pressure allows the capillary resistance to lessen, and makes out-gassing easier.

Weight gain is caused by on-gassing.

Reduced capillary resistance means increased tissue sensitivity too – an asset to extrasensory perception and psychokinesis.

The brain’s microstress from the ionization shift predisposes consciousness to out-of-the-body experiences.

Perhaps that’s one reason Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) advises his students not to meditate during a thunderstorm.

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'Hot & Cold Pressurization for Weight Control' have 9 comments

  1. June 5, 2012 @ 8:43 pm atomb

    Re: Weight gain is caused by on-gassing.

    People will ignore this because it’s too simple.

    Respiratory quotient is supposed to be an indirect form of calorimetry, but it’s actually the other way around.


  2. June 7, 2012 @ 12:43 am Ryan

    What about a blog on $$$….t’s just *green* energy after all?!?

    You’ve posted some cool quotes from Adano on money in the past – “quick buck over the big buck”… etc.


    • June 7, 2012 @ 3:57 pm atomb

      If I forget, remind me. :)


  3. June 7, 2012 @ 3:59 pm atomb

    Re: I passed a variety of colors and sizes.

    Occasionally a gall stone does get passed.

    If it doesn’t start dissolving within a few days, it’s an actual stone, not oleomargarine.

    It’s still a valuable flush even if no real “stones” are passed.

    A Johns Hopkins family medical book claimed no one would ever grow a gall stone if they added a tablespoon of either olive oil or whole cream to every meal they ate.


  4. June 7, 2012 @ 4:55 pm atomb

    Re: Don’t use think vitamins are sometimes warranted, esp. with the depleted soils our U.S. foods now come from?

    If food is unavailable, then a vitamin or mineral supplement is necessary.

    Despite soil depletion, an unhealthy (devitamized, demineralized) plant will give itself away – as in the case of animals or human beings – by its poor health.

    For example, lacking boron, cabbage has distorted leaves, beets have rotting roots, celery turns reddish-brown at its center, etc.

    Iron deficiency causes iron chlorosis in both plants and animals – a type of anemia more common in women than in men.

    (A few exceptions exist, e.g., selenium is usually not necessary for plant health, so a plant can have too little or too much selenium without affecting the plant.)

    Also, vitamins and minerals are totally unnecessary when such nutrient-dense foods as bee pollen, brewer’s yeast, raw algae, sea vegetables, wild salmon, sardines, etc. are available.



    • June 7, 2012 @ 5:25 pm atomb

      Another point …

      Many diseases in both plants and human beings are caused by excess vitamin and mineral density.

      Foremost among numerous examples is phytic acid.

      Nutritional “experts” tell you to avoid it because it blocks nutrients — then these same “experts” turn around and advise you to take IP6 (inositol hexakiphosphate) for cancer.

      Phytic acid and IP6 are IDENTICAL, and, indeed, IP6 works precisely because it blocks nutrient absorption.

      So I’m three miles north of the cheering section when it comes to vitamin, mineral, or “superfood” overdosing.


      • June 7, 2012 @ 5:50 pm atomb

        So am I for corporate agriculture and biotechnology?

        Absolutely not, because the stated goal of Big Ag Frankenmeisters is to make crops more nutrient-dense in alignment with their own imperfect knowledge. (Dropping cholesterol, indeed!)

        They haven’t got a clue in a carload, and the only “greening” of the planet they’re interested in is the “greening” of their bottomless pockets.


  5. July 2, 2012 @ 11:42 am Mark G

    I need your help:

    My Wife suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis. She has tried several of the recommended medications ( Enbrel,Humira, Orencia, remicade, Methetrexate…) but they are so toxic. She had to be hospitalized for 7 days after 1-dose of remicade) Also they have not really helped and the side effects have had a negative effect on her overall heath.
    Prior to her diagnosis with it (2 years ago) she was suffering from Anemia and was given Iron Infusions. She has the Sickle Cell Trait and a Pituitary imbalance for which she take cabergoline (5Mg) Weekly.

    Do you have any recommendations that could help us find a more natural cure?



    • July 2, 2012 @ 12:24 pm atomb

      You’re going to have to find someone who can locate the UNDERLYING TRAUMA, Mark.

      It usually takes physical proximity to read the Body Language correctly.

      Rheumatoid arthritis is a wastebasket term encompassing a variety of syndromes.

      As a VERY GENERAL RULE, rheumatoid arthritis tends to be overalkaline and osteoarthritis overacidic.

      But the body has its own chemotherapy, and an acid defense reaction may be defending against an alkaline attack and vice versa AT ANY GIVEN TIME.

      There’s always two phases of any disease – the attack of the disease itself and the body’s defense against it.

      This is rarely considered by either medical doctors or alternative practitioners.

      Arthritis often involves the left side of the body and centrifugal energy (compared to the right side and centripetal energy).

      When the funding finally arrives for Atom’s School of Self Healing, Engram Analysis & Restructuring will be part of the curriculum, and – in the best-case scenario – WILL BE SPREAD ALL OVER THE WORLD AND AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE. :)


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