The HEAT in your stomach is your protection against parasites.

The chemical element HYDROGEN stokes the fire in your tummy.

Fire is an agricultural term for “rapid oxidation.”

You’re vulnerable to parasites if your stomach temperature is below 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

You’re trolling for parasites if you skip breakfast (optimally eaten at Stomach Time).

101 degrees or more helps increase your stomach acidity to an optimum 1.5 pH.

Both RED and INFRARED radiation are provided by HYDROGEN.

Initiates of the Invisible College know that red and infrared are the least refrangible of “the terrestrial rays that occasion heat.”

They don’t want YOU to know this or what it “means.”

Hydrogen is the leader of the Breakfast A-Team of RED chemical elements (in alphabetical order) …







(7) NEON



(10) RADON


The above chemical elements may be taken from any Growth Zone (tree, vine, root) to raise your tummy temp.

But you “get more bang for your buck” (a lot more) when you acquire them from Growth Zone 1 space-time biota.

Don’t douse your stomach’s fire and raise its pH by OVEREATING.

Dr. William Beaumont warned (in 1833) …

“… such excess [overeating], if persevered in, generally produces, not only functional aberration, but disease of the coats of the stomach.”

Hydrochloric acid (spirits of salt) won’t function without SALT.

Dr. Anton Carlson wrote (in 1923) …

“The experiments of Forster on dogs and pigeons, and those of Lunin on mice showed that animals succumb sooner on a salt-free diet than if they are given no food at all.”

A salt-free diet is an anti-longevity diet.

A natural salt lick will draw animals with more common sense than humans (cattle, horses, moose, elephants, porcupines, woodchucks, mountain goats, etc.) from many miles away.


'I Pledge Allegiance to the United Rays Of the Sun' have 7 comments

  1. October 9, 2013 @ 6:11 pm atomb

    My e-books are available at …

    Somehow my name has become associated with Adya Clarity promoted by Matt Bakos and Brian Clement.

    I have NEVER had any association with the product or the two gentlemen promoting it.

    My health approach is totally different than their approach, and never the twain shall meet.

    I’m not dissing their product. I’m just saying that I would never use it or endorse it (and never have).


  2. October 9, 2013 @ 9:12 pm B

    Hi Atom!

    The supplement marketplace is a curious arena. Who coined “supplement” anyhow? Doesn’t this philosophy of supplementation potentially have the side-effect of further promoting the division of humans from nature? I like, what appears to be, your neutral attitude towards supplementation. Would you agree that a more regimented supplementation with an end date of treatment be more conducive to health, instead of the more chronic usage?

    Thank you for the blog. I think after oxygen and carbon dioxide, hydrogen also should be more fully experienced within. I find that body temperature can be regulated through breath.

    Thanks again.


    • October 9, 2013 @ 9:25 pm atomb

      Re: Would you agree that a more regimented supplementation with an end date of treatment be more conducive to health, instead of the more chronic usage?

      I agree 100%. :)

      Re: I find that body temperature can be regulated through breath.

      Me too. :)

      Swami Nitty-Gritty was able to regulate his body temp so impeccably that one side of his palm was 14 degrees Fahrenheit more than the other side of his palm (as measured as the Menninger Clinic in Topeka).


  3. October 10, 2013 @ 8:52 am gav

    Hi Atom,

    Love the info, always have gorilla tape on my head for the podcasts.

    I’ve a big prob with a decaying tooth (tooth 5) over 50% has decayed, no pain as of yet (quite strange) and I can’t bring myself to pull it out (won’t have another root canal done).

    I’ve started eating carrot and beetroot salad with sardines in the evening, lots of ghee in afternoon (not from a raw source but always organic).

    Can you give me some more healing/bone restorative modalities to try?
    I remember once you said tooth regrowth was possible by achieving the delta state while awake obviously, do you know of any cases where this has happened or is it theoretical? If it’s the latter or former matter for that matter I’d love to know how much it would cost me to come to you (from Italy) and have you mentor me to the delta state?

    We’re probably talking 10-20yrs to achieve this state?




    • October 10, 2013 @ 8:49 pm atomb

      Swami Nitty-Gritty said …

      “There were once 35 teeth for 35 vertebrae. You can grow a THIRD SET OF TEETH.”

      He noted that …

      “Lahiri Mahasaya had a third set of teeth.”

      Elephants replace their teeth five times, and sharks replace their teeth continuously.

      Some sharks have been known to have lost and replaced as many as 30,000 teeth.

      The tusks of an elephant are modified incisors of the upper jaw (sometimes of the lower jaw).

      A warthog has two pairs of tusks — modified upper and lower incisors.

      The tusks of a walrus are elongated canine teeth.

      Cases of humans growing a third set of teeth are far more common than most people suppose.

      It usually happens after “70 revolutions around the Sun,” but I’ve encountered at least one instance of it occurring in a man’s early twenties.

      There are numerous accounts of third sets of teeth floating around in cyberspace.

      There have been cases of people growing three ROWS of teeth.

      John Hunter (History of the Human Teeth, Second Edition, 1778) wrote …

      “It sometimes happens that a third set of Teeth appears in very old people; when this does happen, it is in a very irregular manner, sometimes only one, at other times more, and now and then a complete set comes in both Jaws.

      … and …

      “I should suppose that a new Alveolar Process must be also formed in such cases, in the same manner as in the production of the first and second sets of Teeth. From what I can learn, the age at which this happens is generally around seventy. From this circumstance, and another that sometimes happens to women at this age, it would appear that there is some effort in nature to renew the body at that period.”


      • October 10, 2013 @ 8:59 pm atomb

        Thieves Oil can help with a decaying tooth.

        Ditto oil pulling.

        But at least one session in a hyperbaric chamber is your highest choice – gradually increasing the pressure because there might be pain from a gas bubble in an abscess.

        We’ll put the mentoring on the back burner for now until I return from my three-month trip to New Zealand. :)


  4. October 10, 2013 @ 3:31 pm B

    Thanks for your reply Atom, that is very interesting.

    Going back to your blog, I have more recently been contemplating the fire in the belly, too. Previous to now there was more of a targeted heat traveling down through channels in the chest and terminating in areas in the stomach (there were also fireworks and other interesting things, but anyway), but now it is more of an all-encompassing cauldron-like feeling down below. Funny enough, I purchased my first persimmons this last Sunday and have been eating them. Yum, I have one sitting here for tomorrow right next to me. Also another interesting thing is that I have made it more of a point to spend time with my Mother (also I am able to work on a vehicle behind her place), and now that she has been convinced for a few months that salt isn’t “bad”, she has been taking it with food, and so have I more often (I was playing around with water and salt consumption for a while and then forgot that I was playing around and should put these things in me sometimes).

    Thanks again,


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