The New World Order started co-opting the minds of children over 400 year ago.

Children’s books have been used to brainwash American children for hundreds of years.

Harvard University was founded in 1636.

Harvard was the first U.S. corporation, incorporated as the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

Children’s books are specifically designed to dumb people down.

They are designed to recalibrate children from their BIOLOGICAL CLOCK to an artificial SOCIAL CLOCK.

B.F. Skinner (Beyond Freedom and Dignity, 1971) wrote …

“The child who must be reminded that it is time to go to school is dependent upon his parents, but the child who has learned to respond to clocks and other temporal qualities of the world around him (not to a “sense of time”) is dependent upon things, and he makes fewer demands on his parents.”

The State steals children from their parents to make them slaves to THINGS.

You don’t own your children. The State does.

The Birth Certificate is the State’s Certificate of Slavery in the Land of the Free, the Home of the Slave.

Your Social Security number isn’t the Mark of the Beast.

Your Birth Certificate is the Mark of the Beast.

It Takes a Village indeed.

“Universal institutionalized formal forced schooling” guarantees a nation of automatons.

The State keeps children infantilized and calibrated to …

(1) the school bell,

(2) the church bell,

(3) the factory whistle (courtesy of the Robber Barons).

(4) the town hall bell,

(5) the courthouse bell,

(6) the steamboat whistle,

(7) the locomotive whistle (courtesy of the Railroad Barons), and even

(8) the Liberty Bell

The bell at Independence Hall was rung on July 8, 1776, to proclaim the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Who won their independence that day?

George Washington cut off the toes of any of his slaves he caught trying to escape.

Thomas Jefferson forcibly vaccinated his slaves to protect his monetary investment in their labor.

Samuel Adams suspended habeus corpus during Shays’ Rebellion, and proposed that rebellion in a republic, unlike a monarchy, should be punished by execution.

What do you really know about the other 53 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence?

Can you even NAME them?

If you can’t, it’s not your fault. You’ve been deliberately dumbed down by the New World Order as part of a worldwide plan.

Did you know that at least 23 of the signers were lawyers, and four were physicians?

A musician friend of mine, Chad the Rainmaker (aka Howard Browning), wrote …

He moves with a rhythmic motion,

He leaves no mark on the shiny floor.

His father sent him off to school,

Why he did not know.

His mother sent him off to church,

But she did not go.

John Taylor Gatto (The Underground History of American Education, 2001) wrote …

“One aspect of children’s publishing that has remained consistent all the way back to 1721 is the zone where it is produced; today, as nearly three hundred years ago, the Northeast is where children’s literature happens – inside the cities of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. No industry shift has ever disturbed this cozy arrangement: over time, concentration became even more intense. Philadelphia’s role diminished in the twentieth century, leaving Boston and New York co-regents at its end. In 1975, 87 percent of all titles available came from those two former colonial capitals, while in 1876 it had been “only” 84 percent, a marvelous durability. For the past one hundred years these two cities have decided what books American children will read.”

I took my books to various publishers, and their consistent advice was …

“No one will read your books unless you write at an eighth grade level. Don’t use any big words.”

No thanks. All of those publishers can take a long walk off a short pier.


'Keeping Children From Becoming Adults Forever' have 16 comments

  1. July 20, 2013 @ 12:13 am atomb

    My e-books are available at …


  2. July 20, 2013 @ 2:43 am B

    I watched “State of Mind” today on YouTube. They were talking about education and Skinner and others.

    Thank you.


  3. July 20, 2013 @ 6:28 am Socrates Raramuri

    According to Frank O’Collins in a podcast here, it’s even worse than the State owning your children; they actually claim to own your souls. Mr. O’Collins says it’s in the words, the RECORD having as possible interpretation from Latin RES + CORDI, something like “issue soul”. They claim your very soul and since the claim lies undisputed and ‘they’ base their authority on religion, this becomes quite relevant at a certain level.
    All religions are based on Reptilian progenitors. ‘They’ consider themselves your master, body and soul, especially since you have not countered their claim.

    If you enter a court of law in which you are ignorant, you understand you’re at a disadvantage. When you’re ignorant that you’re even ignorant, your adversaries are the last ones to ever wish to educate you. The system works perfectly… for them.


    • July 20, 2013 @ 2:22 pm atomb

      The C.I.A. concocted the R-Complex, or reptilian brain, assisted by Yale University, the University of Chicago, the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean (1913-2007), science propagandist Carl Sagan (1934-1996), geneticist Joshua Lederberg (1925-2008), etc.

      The basal ganglia was NOT evolved from reptiles.

      The fact that so many people think it did evolve from reptiles is proof that the New World Order’s elementary school educational prisons are effectively brainwashing children.

      Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was [1] fabulously wealthy, [2] heir to the Wedgwood fortune (now part of Waterford Wedgwood Royal Doulton), [3] a member of the Invisible College (the academic mirror-image of the Bilderberg Group), and was [4] the chief propagandist for the eugenics movement because so many of his friends were monarchs, dukes, and duchesses.

      The State inherited the right to human souls from John Calvin (1509-1564), who taught that the saved were saved before birth and the damned were damned before birth – in other words, the DNA theory concocted by the eugenics (biotechnology) cabal.

      John Calvin gave the New Word Order the blueprint for ADRSTA, not KARMA.


  4. July 20, 2013 @ 11:27 am sebs

    an off topic q: does cadmium carry any health benefits whatsoever? my understanding has always been that it only replaces zinc and does a lousier job. but i think the cadmium content is one of the things i still miss about smoking tobacco.


    • July 20, 2013 @ 2:59 pm atomb

      Cadmium is estrogenic, and trace amounts of it are necessary for normal growth, muscle strength, and mitochondrial health.

      Red Men (Athabaskans) have the highest levels of cadmium in their body, and, according to Swami Nitty-Gritty, cadmium is one of the reasons Athabaskans can retain their muscle strength without exercising.

      Cadmium is used by intelligence agencies in toxic amounts to create serial killers.

      The C.I.A. invented hair analysis, but the secret of its interpretation is not available to commercial hair analysis labs.


      • July 20, 2013 @ 3:12 pm sebs

        thanks! what do you recommend for a cadmium source?


        • July 20, 2013 @ 7:56 pm atomb

          Carbonic anhydrase is usually zinc-dependent.

          But diatoms use a cadmium-dependent carbonic anhydrase.

          Molluscs eat diatoms, so they are a natural cadmium source.

          Most fish eat diatoms or fish that eat diatoms, so they are a natural cadmium source.

          It’s not your highest choice to seek cadmium sources, since fossil fuel pollution has made cadmium abundant in the environment.

          The fossil fuel kind of cadmium might be bioavailable, but might not be bio-healthful.


      • July 21, 2013 @ 1:42 pm John

        where would you get that hair analysis interpretation info ?


        • July 21, 2013 @ 3:47 pm atomb

          From the C.I.A.

          Unfortunately. :(


  5. July 20, 2013 @ 3:08 pm sebs

    nice take on the reptilian issue. do you agree new age acts very much like the protestant church with all the “reptilian agenda” projection? seems like the best foundation for a control system is a nice injection of fear into those primal parts. i remember luther saw satan and threw his ink horn on him. to me it sounds like a classic earth star chakra out of wack. maybe he should have masturbated more often?
    because of that i have greater respect for the orthodox and catholic church who at least acknowledge the spectrum of evil and darkness in a more earthly way. i mean, at least act that “sin” out and then forgive yourself.

    (i enjoyed the “swami nitty gritty was a dark worker” post of yours. more descendedness please.)


    • July 20, 2013 @ 7:28 pm atomb

      Incisive thinking and creative writing. :)

      Any comment would be anticlimactic.

      PS: Luther was notoriously constipated.

      PPS: I’m aligned with David Icke on many other things, just not the reptiles (although he presents a good case).

      I’ve read almost all his books and listened to hours of his talks in cyberspace.


    • July 21, 2013 @ 4:23 am Vera

      Dear Sebs,

      You can have greater respect for orthodox church because “the grass is always greener on the other side”. But I live whole of my life as a member of orthodox church and I can just laugh at your thoughts.
      Yesterday I said that my church gets on my nerves because they put fear combined with rituals in people, instead of learning them the self discipline so they can step into freedom. But freedom means that “Father and me are one” so we don’t need a church.
      Not to talk about heavy criminal acts and other things priests do here, it’ll take to long…


      • July 21, 2013 @ 3:57 pm atomb

        All churches are prone to deceit, yet there are well-meaning people involved too.

        I prefer spirituality to religion, although much that is called “spirituality” is religion in disguise.

        I had romantic ideas about Sedona, Arizona, till I lived there.

        Most of the New Age movement – including Yoga – is dogma too.


      • July 22, 2013 @ 1:18 pm sebs

        i was born and raised orthodox although i do live in a protestant country. but i do get where you’re coming from and i’ve had (lighter) forms of christian trauma do quite the number on me in earlier years.


  6. July 20, 2013 @ 3:12 pm atomb

    Who can you trust?

    Ezra Pound (1885-1972) worked with the C.I.A., specifically with James Jesus Angleton (1917-1987).


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