Atom’s Blog

Lipids are a group of organic molecules that are greasy to the touch, mostly insoluble in water, and mostly soluble in alcohol and ether.

They have a wide diversity, so be careful what you “know” about them.

Also, do you know your Lipid Type? More specifically, your Lipid Phenotype?

Or do you know your Small Intestine Type? The small intestine (most active at 2:00 p.m.) plays a crucial role in determining your Lipid Phenotype.

Lipids include fats, sterols, fatty acids, waxes, phospholipids, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), etc.

Lipids are subject to circadian rhythms, so they have different effects during different times of the day and night (and during different seasons).

Generally, if you get your lipids from natural foods and eat them according to the proper Growth Zone Time, it’s hard to screw up.

It’s easy to screw up if you supplement, by supplementing at (1) the wrong time and (2) in excess.

According to The Lancet (Jun. 29, 1996), “There have been previous reports of lipoid pneumonia being indistinguishable from bronchial cancer but this is the first description of fish oil resulting in lipoid pneumonia.”

First description? Hardly. MANY cases have been recorded of fish oils and squalene causing lipoid pneumonia.

(Squalene is from sharks, and is sold as a supplement and used in vaccines as a replacement for mercury. It’s alleged to be a cause of Gulf War Syndrome.)

According to Andy Coghlan (“Right kind of fat gives body the edge over TB,” New Scientist, Aug. 30, 2003), over-consuming fish oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids and eicopentenoic acids raise the risk of contracting tuberculosis.

Don’t forget to eat your lipids during the proper Growth Zone Time.


'Lipids Regulate Our Acidity & Alkalinity' have 13 comments

  1. April 14, 2014 @ 4:18 pm atomb

    Check out my e-books at …

    And check out charts, photos, and more at …


  2. April 14, 2014 @ 4:41 pm atomb

    Re: If you think eating odd numbers of anything promotes weight loss, or that we should eat foods according to time-of-day, then you are as nutty as Herr Bergstrom.

    Aha! Just because Trevor rhymes with clever, you think you’ve got static in your attic?

    Regarding numbers, I suggest you start reading the works of Herr Jung and a 1974 book by Marie Louise Von Franz called Number and Time.


  3. April 14, 2014 @ 5:01 pm atomb

    L.L. Larison Cudmore (The Center of Life: A Natural History of the Cell, 1977) wrote …

    “Chaos may be creative, but it just won’t do for every day. There has to be order. A bit boring, perhaps, but it’s life. Whence this tendency toward tedium, this never-ending cellular devotion to predictability? We don’t have to look to anything grander or more alive than a drop of oil. We have seen such a system thousands of times: in salad dressing. Oil and vinegar don’t mix. Nothing can make the golden globelets of olive oil merge their identity with that of the vinegar. We can fracture the oil drops, but stubbornly they re-form, coalescing in refractive globules shining with light. This latter property is lovely, but not evolutionarily crucial to our story. The former property is. What keeps oil and vinegar (or oil and water apart) is not sheer perversity or prejudice, but the unlikely story that oils behave like male musk oxen, and that like musk oxen, they have heads and tails: water-loving (hydrophilic) heads and water-fearing (hydrophobic) tails. Whenever certain kinds of fats get together, they act just like male musk oxen, protecting their wives and children from wolves. They circle together, heads outward, tails inward, side by side. This is just something that certain molecules do. It is a good strategy for musk oxen and a good strategy for life. Because these molecules will spontaneously make an orderly barrier, creating an inside and an outside.”


  4. April 14, 2014 @ 5:03 pm atomb

    According to “Lower Fatty Acids Develop Anti-Bacterial Properties,” Science News Letter, Dec. 28, 1946 …

    “The lower fatty acids, chemical building blocks of common oils and fats, develop anti-bacterial properties on exposure to light and air, apparently through the splitting of their molecules into still smaller units with their atoms strung in shorter chains.”


  5. April 14, 2014 @ 5:05 pm atomb

    Free cholesterol neutralizes sapotoxins in some toad and snake poisons, and it’s been used to bind tetanolysin and to treat paroxysmal hemoglobinuria.

    Azor Thurston (Pharmaceutical and Food Analysis: A Manual of Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Waxes, and Substances in Which They Exist, Together With Allied Products, 1922) wrote …

    “Richter claims that cholesterol protects the red blood corpuscles from haemolysis by certain toxins. It acts, therefore, against certain poisons.”


  6. April 15, 2014 @ 6:18 am John

    Hi Atom, do you know where I can learn the aromashapes technique ?


    • April 17, 2014 @ 12:48 pm atomb

      I choose to know if Konnie Smith is still teaching the AromaShapes technique.

      This is from her Website …

      “This technique was developed by Konnie Smith, LMT. After attending a workshop presented by Atom Bergstrom, Konnie began to research concepts and experiment with practical applications to discover proof of the principles set forth in the book For over a year, she worked with Marcella Vonn Harting and Atom Bergstrom and many volunteers on the development of this technique and the easy-to-follow home protocol. Skin brushing and VitaFlex techniques support the process.”

      Where are you, Konnie? Folks are looking for you!


  7. April 15, 2014 @ 10:07 am Tommy TIRS

    Greetings to you and Vibrant Gal!
    RE: Fluoride…we just noticed and threw away all of our toothpaste. What can we do to offset/eliminate the fluoride in us from toothpaste use for all the years?

    Ever New Remedies,


    • April 17, 2014 @ 1:08 pm atomb

      Is your organic food being watered with fluoridated water? Or is your home garden being watered with fluoridated water?

      Fluoride gas is increasing in the atmosphere, and many plants and animals are absorbing it without ever touching fluoridated toothpaste.

      The fluoride in toothpaste is actually less of a threat than the fluoride in our drinking water, which is industrial waste mostly from the phosphate, aluminum, and nuclear (uranium hexafluoride) industries.

      Continue EATING ON TIME to keep fluoride in flow, so it doesn’t form fluoride-aluminum, fluoride-magnesium, fluoride-calcium complexes, and other fluoride complexes.

      There’s almost no place on Earth where we can avoid fluoride any more.

      We must learn to TRANSMUTE it via nutritional Aikido. :)


  8. April 15, 2014 @ 8:26 pm Helen

    Hello wonderful AtOM
    Would you please elaborate on items discussed during the show:
    1. Coconut oil goes rancid contrary to popular belief?
    2. Pine nuts protocol
    3. You avoid EMFs like a plague? What are your strategies (and sorry for those of us who are thick :) a step by step guide?
    4. More on energy moving through one vs. reflected (like a mirror) by them?
    5. A Theta healing friend is convinced she can make people impervious to EMFs! Your thoughts?

    Love hugs and kisses from downunder
    Helen in Sydney


    • April 17, 2014 @ 1:18 pm atomb

      1. Coconut oil oxidizes slower than most oils, but is still subject to rancidity.

      2. I’ll save the pine nuts protocol for a future blog entry. Remind me in case I space out about it. :)

      3. I walk big circles around Wi-Fi, avoid electrical transformers, keep as far away from electrical appliances as possible, etc.

      4. Returning tit for tat (and no less or no more) is a war strategy for keeping the peace. I first learned about it from Swami Nitty-Gritty, but any student of military history is familiar with the concept. There’s no karma (residue) in equal exchange of energy.

      5. A theta brain wave (if that’s what you mean) makes people MORE susceptible to EMFs.


  9. April 17, 2014 @ 7:23 am Galina

    Dear Atom! Love sunshine way of living! Thank you so much for your work! My sister lives in South of Siberia and has no access to maple syrup. Can she substitute for birch one, should have almost same minerals.. Siberia is big on birch juice – they have no maple trees there. Thank you!


    • April 17, 2014 @ 1:21 pm atomb

      Birch juice or syrup is an acceptable substitute if she can’t get maple syrup.

      Ditto walnut juice or syrup.


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