Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) asked the waitress for a tuna omelette.

“I’m sorry, sir. We don’t have that on the menu.”

Adano and I had stopped at the Ludlow Coffee Shop in the privately owned town of Ludlow, California.

We were bound from Carpinteria to Houston on Interstate 10.

“But you DO have a tuna salad on the menu, and you also have an omelette on the menu. Ask the cook to combine them.”

The waitress consulted the cook. “The cook can’t make a tuna omelette because it’s not priced on the menu.”

“But you’ve got the ingredients for BOTH listed on the menu,” protested Adano. “Tell the cook to combine them, and charge me the total price.”

“We can’t do that, sir,” maintained the waitress.

Adano’s demeanor was brusque at the start of this conversation, but now he was definitely inches away from surly.

“Tell me, is there a price for the tuna salad?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And is there a price for the omelette?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Then charge me for BOTH, and have the cook make me a tuna omelette!”

“We’re not allowed to do that. The price has to be on the menu.”

“Well, then just bring me a tuna salad … and I’ll have the omelette too.”

“Yes, sir.”

“The same for me,” I added, figuring that eating precisely what Adano did might get me a booster charge to higher consciousness.

The waitress stared at Adano as he melodramatically dumped his tuna salad on top of his omelette, then mixed them thoroughly together with his fork.

She stood over Adano the whole time, watching him petulantly creating his own omelette, but he refused to acknowledge her presence, staring fixedly at his plate.

90 minutes later (or so), Adano and I were traveling east on Interstate 10. It was my turn at the wheel, and Adano appeared to be snoozing.

I was suddenly in an extremely altered state of awareness.

My previous reality became a cardboard cutout of the real deal. I was buzzed out of my freakin’ gourd, yet, paradoxically, cool, calm, and collected, and … IN TIME.

It was like being in time and outside time at the SAME time.

Adano slowly opened his cosmic brown eyes, and leisurely stretched out his limbs.

He turned to me and casually inquired with mock innocence, “Well, how are you … FEELING?”

“Adano, you know damn well what I’m feeling!” I exclaimed. “What’s going on? What are you doing to me?”

“Well, we ate the IRON in the tuna, the SULFUR in the eggs, and the CHLORINE in the onions. THAT’S what you’re feeling.”

“I don’t know if it’s actually the food we ate or if it’s YOU doing this to me, but I do know I’m high as a kite!”

We approached a car in our lane, and I released the cruise control to slow down.

Immediately, the car’s right-hand turn signal flashed, and the car exited the freeway.

Adano grinned and commented, “See, PERFECT TIMING.”

His eyes and body language told me even more.

It told me that my altered state allowed me to experience synchronous living to a “supernatural” degree.

It challenged me to test the principle.

I reengaged the cruise control, and we soon approached 2 18-wheelers, one in each lane.

I decided to avoid the brake till the very last possible second.

We rapidly advanced on the truck in the right lane.

Just as I lifted my foot to contact the brake, it swung into the left lane behind the other truck.

Adano and I cruised past both trucks at 60 miles per hour.

Before or since, I’ve never had a truck abandon the RIGHT LANE to let me pass.

Adano simply smiled, and we engaged in no further conversation.

My awareness soon returned to … “normal.”




'Quantum Tuna Omelette Time' have 2 comments

  1. August 14, 2011 @ 12:08 pm Kevin Mabry

    For an unrelated question, Please explain the cobalamin drink with coffee, raw cacao, maple syrup. I tell people of this drink from hearing your interviews with patrick, however, when people want me to explain the cocktail, and the why’s and how’s, I simply do not know. For example, how does it become cobalt or what form of b-12 is this, as there are several types. Why the grade B maple syrup? I was informed by a grocery manager at a local store similar to whole foods, that grade B syrup is darker and not as good as grade A, due to the grade B sitting out longer. He suggested the better of the 2 is Grade A. Just a little education on the why’s and how’s. Thank you.


    • August 16, 2011 @ 5:31 pm atomb

      Read Chapter 8 – “Can We Balance Ourselves with a Cup of Coffee?” – of our book, Yes No Maybe: Chronobiotic Nutrition.

      Be aware that the methylcobalamin chemistry mentioned on page 103 is speculative.

      The important point is that it WORKS.

      My Significant Other resumed menstruating after being introduced to Cobalamin Tonic, and was regular as clockwork until a year before she went on “cosmic vacation” at 72 revolutions around the Sun.

      Without detailing the obvious implications, I was lucky enough to be sharing my romantic life with someone who was every bit of “Sweet 16.” :)

      (The record for extended menstruation is supposed to be 62. Well, I have a news flash …)

      And, for whatever the reason, coffee, even by itself phase-shifts the biological clock.

      Ronald Reagan used it as part of an anti-jet lag circadian protocol doctors placed him on when he flew to China.

      Canada grades maple syrup the best way …

      A is light,

      B is medium,

      C is amber, and

      D is dark.

      Grade A is watered-down and deprived of “antioxidants” and minerals.

      There’s antioxidant reactions, but no such thing as an antioxidant, which is why I used parentheses – but that’s another story for another day.


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