Atom’s Blog

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) told me how to overcome a nut allergy or intolerance, back in the 1970s.

Medical doctors are now using his method minus the added benefit of circadian timing.

WARNING: Don’t use the following information without the endorsement or supervision of your professional health adviser.

What Twenty-First Century doctors call “oral immunotherapy” is really nothing but a stolen version of Nineteenth Century homeopathy.

Doctors changed the name of homeopathy to HORMESIS so no one would be the wiser.

Patients (usually children) are given a daily dose of the offending substance in the controlled environment of a hospital.

2 milligrams is the maximum dose, and it’s mixed in their food without missing a day for two weeks.

The identical daily dose is continued after the patient is discharged from the hospital.

The dose is slowly ramped up every two weeks, a few milligrams at a time, until 800 milligrams can be safely tolerated (usually involving regular visits to the doctor).

A similar therapy was successfully used for gluten intolerance back in 2004 or so, using different dosages.

Mainstream doctors condemn Samuel Hahnemann and his fellow homeopaths, but steal their ideas under another name.


'A Way to Overcome an Allergy to Nuts' has 1 comment

  1. February 23, 2014 @ 1:13 am atomb

    Longevity is compromised by free radicals and alkalinity during middle age, while it’s compromised by antioxidants and acidity during old age.

    I’ve been warning folks for decades that antioxidants GROW cancer (via acidity), while free radicals SPREAD cancer (via alkalinity).

    According to “Antioxidants found to defend cancer in the body,” New Scientist, February 8, 2014 …

    “It now seems that by mopping up the free radicals, antioxidants deactivate a gene called p53, whose job it is to destroy cells with defective DNA, including cancer cells. This means the cancer cells can keep growing, says Martin Bergo at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.”

    Check out my e-books at …


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