Exercise – Sports Medicine – Yoga – Articles

Want Better Metabolism and Overall Health? Try Bursts of Exercise

Want Better Metabolism and Overall Health? Try Bursts of Exercise GreenMedInfo Short bursts of physical exercise may induce changes in your body’s level of metabolites related to cardiometabolic and heart health and long-term wellness, yet again proving the far-reaching benefits of exercise even with a shorter time investment Another study vouches for the benefits of…

The Real Reason Downward-Facing Dog Is So Good for You

The Real Reason Downward-Facing Dog Is So Good for You       GreenMedInfo Downward-facing dog is the most ubiquitous pose in yoga. Interestingly, the ancient Chinese art and science of acupuncture can help explain why. This popular yoga pose is the one we see in advertisements and movies, on yoga DVDs, and the covers…

Jump for Joy… And Better Health!

Jump for Joy… And Better Health!   Huffington Post In all my years of working with private clients, never have I initially assessed someone to find out that one of the ways they get cardiovascular exercise is through rebounding. To clarify, “rebounding” is NOT quickly entering into a new relationship after a breakup! It is,…

10 Reasons to Do a Headstand Every Day

10 Reasons to Do a Headstand Every Day Mind Body Green Headstand (Shirshasana) is often referred to as the king of all yoga poses. Here are 10 reasons why headstand should be practiced everyday. 1. By reversing the flow of gravity, a headstand simulates a “face lift” by letting your skin hang in the opposite…

Anti-Ageing Secrets: Exercise Could Prevent Wrinkles And Maintain Younger-Looking Skin

Anti-Ageing Secrets: Exercise Could Prevent Wrinkles And Maintain Younger-Looking Skin Rachel Moss The Huffington Post UK Getting wrinkles are an inevitable part of ageing, but scientists have revealed that you may be able to maintain your skin’s youth – and without pumping it full of chemicals (hurrah!). New research from McMaster University in Ontario has…

How Whey Protein Can Help Build Toned Muscles

How Whey Protein Can Help Build Toned Muscles By Dr. Mercola Strength training with resistance weights is a good way to maintain fitness and build muscle. Now, researchers looking at the synergy between nutrition and resistance exercise have found ways to significantly boost the benefits of this kind of training by using strategies such as…

1 Minute of All-Out Exercise May Have Benefits of 45 Minutes of Moderate Exertion

1 Minute of All-Out Exercise May Have Benefits of 45 Minutes of Moderate Exertion Well By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS For many of us, the most pressing question about exercise is: How little can I get away with? The answer, according to a sophisticated new study of interval training, may be very, very little. In this new…

The Drug-Free Way to Prevent Depression

The Drug-Free Way to Prevent Depression Dr. K.J. McLaughlin, Doctors Health Press Depression is a very common health issue which affects millions of people worldwide. As a matter of fact, depression is the second most common cause of disability on a global scale accounting for lost time, decreased quality of life, and high treatment costs….

Spotlight on the antidepressant effects of exercise

Natural Health News— Regular exercise may help ease symptoms of depression, according to a new report. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh, who have analysed data from previous studies, found people who exercised experienced a ‘moderate’ reduction in their depressive symptoms compared with those who did other activities, such as using relaxation techniques, or received…

The Sitting Sickness: Is It Silently Killing You?

Dr. Joan Vernikos – Using Gravity to Strengthen Every Part of Your Body – July 10, 2012 Bruce Perry – Fitness for Geeks: Real Science, Great Nutrition, and Good Health – May 24, 2012 Written By: Nathan Daley, MD, MPH   The Sitting Sickness If you’ve heard that life is movement, it’s true. If you’ve…

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