Copper (29) & Zinc (30)

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Copper and zinc are opposites that live in adjacent suites.

Copper is catabolic and zinc is anabolic.

Copper promotes pneumonia and zinc promotes cancer.

Pneumonia is helped by zinc, and the growth of cancer is helped by copper.

However, the metastasis of cancer is helped by zinc.


Today’s “medical science” (hardy har har!) is out of context.

The gestalt is ignored.

The dead tree is examined, not the living forest.


Zinc (not overdone) protects against prostate cancer and helps metabolize sugar.

The trouble starts when amateur pharmacists without a clue in a carload think they’re qualified alchemists.


According to Dr. Emanuel Revici (1961) …

“Although cancer has been induced by excessive administration of zinc, the element’s role in pancreas and prostate seems to be indirect, through the metabolic changes it influences. Calcium [20] is antagonistic to zinc [30], which is to be expected considering the opposite fundamental biological groups to which they belong.


People mistakenly take iodine to protect themselves against radiation — an indirect form of suicide.

Zinc is a far better choice. Keep a bottle of zinc in your medicine cabinet in case of nuclear war.


Copper (not overdone) kills microbes. Copper (overdone) kills your cells.


According to Emanuel Revici (1961) …

“The organism does not have too much copper although the amount of it in the blood is increased. Neither does it have too little copper at the proper level. The abnormality resides in a qualitatively impaired capacity of abnormal cells to utilize copper.”


Feeding copper to abnormal cells is another indirect form of suicide.


Re: what about standard blood tests for copper?

Ridiculous! As useful as a solar-powered torch!


'Copper (29) & Zinc (30)' have 5 comments

  1. October 11, 2020 @ 3:54 pm Atom

    Re: Thank you for sharing. The problem is how to know if we have too much of one or another. We would have to continuously do blood tests?

    Eat whole food on time is all that’s needed to remain healthy.

    However, when SERIOUSLY ILL, twice-daily blood, urine, saliva, and other tests are needed.

    Fortunately, most people who think they’re SERIOUSLY ILL are not.

    Best advice —> Until Vibrant Gal and I get the funding to provide these tests, DON’T GET SERIOUSLY ILL.


  2. October 11, 2020 @ 3:56 pm Atom

    Re: Does coffee keep you hydrated?

    More than plain water.

    Hydration has more to do with internal qualitative chemistry than external quantitative chemistry.

    Medical Nemesis and Holistic Nemesis are obsessed with “If a little bit is good for you, a lot more must be much better.”


    Medical Nemesis always looks at the trees separated from the forest.

    It’s prosperous for therapists and disastrous for victims, er, patients.


    One quick glance at the forest —>

    The potassium in coffee hydrates while the sodium in ocean water dehydrates.


    Whenever you see The Rapist (therapist), run for your life!

    Doctors are not the problem. Their commissars are.


  3. October 11, 2020 @ 4:04 pm Atom

    According to Vernon Coleman …

    “A bowl of cornflakes has a higher IQ than the entire British Government and all its scientific advisors.”


  4. October 11, 2020 @ 4:06 pm Atom

    According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

    “There’s no such thing as a straight line. If you have a circle constructed of wire, an impact will only go half-way, then come back.”


    He was explaining how Reflex Science (Reflexology) works.


  5. October 11, 2020 @ 4:12 pm Atom

    The Periodic Table of the Elements is not a FOSSIL.

    Acidity causes the atomic elements to precipitate into orderly layers. Alkalinity churns up these layers (similar to a volcano spewing gold to the surface from deep within the earth).

    Acidity represents ORDER. Alkalinity represents CHAOS.

    LIFE is a dynamic and intelligent marriage between the two.–e-books.php#Not-Cancer-CANCEL


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