Dr. Saul Pressman

Ozone and The Owners Manual for the Human Body


Dr. Saul Pressman is a Doctor of Chiropathy and an expert on the therapeutic use of ozone, as well as being very knowledgeable about many other holistic approaches to healing.

Dr. Pressman manufactures and sells cold plasma ozone generators, and has written two books, “The Owners Manual for the Human Body” and “The Story of Ozone”:

Websites: http://www.plasmafire.com


'Dr. Saul Pressman – Ozone and The Owners Manual for the Human Body – May 28, 2009' have 5 comments

  1. March 13, 2018 @ 3:50 pm Laureen

    I have the plasma fire ozonater and how can I make ozonater water. How high to I make the settings and for how long? Thank you.


    • March 13, 2018 @ 3:53 pm patrick

      Laureen, This show is nine years in the past..so, the chances of a reply from guest…unlikely. I will direct you to our show today with Carol Bormann and a show last week on Ozone…and maybe contact either of these folks. thanks.


  2. August 1, 2019 @ 4:25 am SuperHuman.Tech

    Any idea if we can still find the original cold plasma ozone generators?


  3. March 5, 2020 @ 7:17 pm Ron

    I’ve bought an ozonator some time ago in Toronto , the machine is model 2040 (Ozonifier Ind,Inc.) Would like to have the chart if possible or the info indicating what the concentration of the 03 is at various settings.
    Also would like to know if you have ozonated oil, capsules & suppositories??
    Would appreciate your response.
    Thank you!


    • April 7, 2020 @ 12:39 am Lorraine Maerz

      Super Human Tech – I have owned a Eurozon 30, purchased about 27 years ago from Saul Pressman. I used it very much for a number of years because of issues of having had Crohns. I probably have not used it in 10 years because my health has returned to me and didn’t need it like in the beginning. I took this Eurozon out last night and tried to put it together again, and realized I’m not sure how to hook up the hoses. I have two canisters on the hook up, that I’m not sure what to do with. One has oil in it and the other is there to catch oil overflow if that happens – to protect the generator from back flow as I remember it. I have the two hoses from the ozone and oxygen nozels marked, but don’t know how to hook them up to the canisters. Is there anyone that can help me to complete the hook up? With the “virus” in our faces these days, I was reminded to get my Ozone Generator working.

      I would really appreciate, if someone could call me: my phone number is: 403-443-7874. My email address is:
      [email protected]. I live in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada.


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