Michael Tsarion
Genetic Manipulation ; Control ; Spiritual Growth
Michael Tsarion does mountains of research about our origins, the occult, the power elite and our relationship with beings from other planets and realities. Michael is thoughtful and not wild and sensationalist in his theories that are entirely based on his unique and solid research. We love this man!
Michael gets into critical questions of our day. Was the human specie genetically manipulated by beings from other worlds? If reincarnation is not real, as many experience and believe, why does the past matter to any of us? Why is this time in the history of Earth truly unique? Or is it?
Michael Tsarion is a prolific writer on a subjects that do well in connecting the dots of who we are and where we are going as a specie. There is lots of spiritual insights in this 90 minute two part show. So, enjoy.
Also, we recommend you visit Michael s main website michaeltsarion.com which will launch you into all of his various sites, books and DVDs. His latest DVD is available now and is titled architects of control.com
Michael Tsarion 01.29.09, part one
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