Monthly Archives: June 2008

Andrew Gause – 6.14.08

Here is two jammed packed hours on that goes into great detail the Credit Default Swaps and various instruments that Mr. Gause has been warning us as the next shoe to drop for six weeks. Other sources are just now beginning to talk about this. Just a value added of hearing Mr. Gause regularly and…

Andrew Gause – 6.11.08

Andy goes into detail on why in mid June 2008 no amount of Treasury intervention can truly save the day here. Why? Because the main reason we are in the trouble we’re in is because of Treasure intervention. Why would the Treasure trade 50 billion of dollars for 50 billion in Euros? Mr. Gause predicts…

Charles Walters – Minerals and Cancer Connection

Author, agricultural expert Charles Walters talks about his research into the connection between the lack of minerals in the soil and tumor suppressing genes. Breathtaking stuff that makes more sense out of the rampant cancer in our culture. Mr. Walters has written many books on Americas agriculture culture. He’s an expert in many things including…

Potential Future Hyperinflation

Walter “John” Williams thinks out of the box. He makes disquieting reading, but you won’t find him in the mainstream. At least not often. He runs a “Shadow Government Statistics” site with an electronic by-subscription newsletter. Anyone can access some of his data and occasional special reports. They can also assess his reasoning. In his…

Dr. Len Horowitz – Achieving Optimal Enlightenment By Going Through the Depths of Darkness – June 8, 2008

THE PATRICK TIMPONE SHOW June 8, 2008 Dr. Len Horowitz We first talked with Dr. Horowitz in June on KLBJ and this is one of the premier archived shows on our site. Warning, this is not for the faint of heart who believes that the USG is looking out for Americans best interest. Dr. Horowitz…

US banks fear $5 trillion balance impact

US banks fear accounting changes could impact lending as they force $5 trillion of assets back on to their balance sheets Analysts at Citigroup warn the planned tightening of accounting rules for off-balance sheet vehicles would force US banks to reconsider arrangements and could result in up to $5 trillion (₤2.5 trillion) of assets coming…

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