Monthly Archives: August 2008

Diet Lifestyle Changes Effect at Genetic Level

Diet Lifestyle Changes Effect at Genetic Level (Natural News)Dr. Dean Ornish, head of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, is a well-known author advocating lifestyle changes to improve health. Dr. Ornish is also affiliated with the University of California at San Francisco. He recently reported on the Gene Expression Modulation by Intervention with…

Open Friday Forum – 08.22.08

Listen Now to our latest Open Friday Forum. You’ll get a great green drink recipe, Hulda Clarks essential oil recipe for tapeworms. The next morning after this live broadcast, after four days on this program Patrick had an 18 inch tapeworm come out of his body. Photos to come soon. I bet you can’t wait….

Who Really Chooses the President?

Heres an engaging conversation with Jesse Richards, founder and manager of Mr. Richards is a former AP employee who spends his time researching, writing and commenting on the media, politics, the world and news that never makes to our home. How and who chooses Presidential candidates and Presidents? What are the goals of the…

FDA Approves Irradiation Despite Uncertainties About Consumer Safety

FDA Approves Irradiation Despite Uncertainties About Consumer Safety August 21. 2008 “Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it will allow fresh spinach and iceberg lettuce to be treated with ionizing radiation. Nearly two years after a major E. coli outbreak was linked to California spinach, it is unbelievable that the FDA’s first action…

A Primer on Liver Flush – Andreas Moritz

Andreas Moritz is a good one! Andreas Moritz is one of the worlds leading experts on Integrative Medicine. He has practiced and taught Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga, Nutrition, Iridology, Shiatsu and Vibrational Therapy for over 30 years. Andreas has written many books on healing including works on Cancer, Aids, Diabetes and Heart Disease. Hes consulted all…

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