Monthly Archives: October 2008

Six Ways to Lose Weight

Here are some practical tips you can use to get your weight down. 1. Eliminate the Enemy. The single most important thing you can do is make sure that you do not have the following in your home; bread, potatoes, pasta, chips, savory snacks, cakes, cookies, sweets, candies, chocolates and sugary drinks. This sounds severe…

The Federal Reserve Engaged in Acts of Economic Warfare Against America

(NaturalNews) In 1942, German intelligence officers rounded up skilled Jewish prisoners and launched Operation Bernhardt, a clever scheme designed to counterfeit hundreds of millions of dollars worth of British Pounds and destroy the British economy by flooding it with counterfeit money. Located in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Operation Bernhardt was, even by modern standards, a…

The Next Best Thing We Can Do

I strained my lower back a few days ago doing a yoga posture improperly. ‘More is not always betteris a concept I continue to learn here. Last night I was soaking in a hot tub of fresh rainwater of Epsom salts. “I’ll just check in with “The Debate” between the candidates on the radio while…

Three Reasons JFK was Murdered

Three Reasons JFK was Murdered Like Rome, the US is forever scarred by murder. In our lifetimes, the best and brightest are snuffed before our very eyes by the cowardly, unseen, shadowy exercise of pure evil and rotten ambition. Those who benefited most from JFKs murder are most certainly guilty of it. JFK tried to…

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