Monthly Archives: October 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011Libya Before and After Image Shows What a NATO/UN Humanitarian Mission Looks Like

Activist Post All hail humanitarian war. Regime change can be a bitch. Start with sanctions because of ‘humanitarian’ reasons. If they don’t work, arm ragtag mercenaries and implement a ‘no-fly zone’ through an international body. If the rebels can’t hunt down the defunct leader, then just bomb the hell out the country until a bloodycarcassvaguely…

Theta Is the Doorway to Delta

Here’s some comments on brain waves by Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) … “Your brain has four speeds. Beta is stick shift, or the chemical level. Alpha is automatic, or electrical. Theta is cruiseomatic, or magnetic. Delta is hand-controlled automatic-cruiseomatic.” “Tunnel-consciousness people tend to remain in beta brain wave states of consciousness. You can’t repeat your…

Theta Brain Wave Quasi-Meditation

A contemporary healing modality claims … “Sages meditate for hours to reach this state [a theta brain wave state], as in it they are able to access absolute calm.” A theta brain wave is A DAY LATE AND A DOLLAR SHORT of “absolute calm.” Absolute calm (in its Yes No Maybe triune state of consciousness,…

Dr. Tullio Simoncini – Eradicating Tumors with Baking Soda? – October 21, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Tullio Simoncini Eradicating Tumors with Baking Soda? October 21, 2011 We’ve seen the videos Tumors being eradicated using Baking Soda. Hear the story from Dr. Tullio Simoncine, M.D. Tullio Simoncini is a Roman doctor specializing in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. He has a strong opposition to…

Monsanto, GMOs, and the global genocide of science and humanity

Friday, October 21, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) In a recent interview on Infowars Nightly News (INN), international bestselling author Jeffrey M. Smith reveals in shocking detail the biotechnology industry’s laundry list of perpetual crimes against humanity via its propagation of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Smith explains how biotech giant Monsanto, in particular,…

Magda Havas – The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution – October 20, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Magda Havas Ph.D. The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution Magda Havas is Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University where she teaches and does research on the biological effects of environmental contaminants. Dr. Havas joined us to discuss: The hazards of Wi Fi networks in…

Dr. Jeremiah Bursch – Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic – October 20, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Jeremiah Bursch Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic Hear the details with authority on brain stem adjustment work Patrick has been telling you about. Babies born with allopathic medicine often get injured at birth and can be adjusted to “cure” diseases as babies. This is Knee, Chest, Upper…

Infrared saunas safely detoxify the body and help heal injuries

Infrared saunas safely detoxify the body and help heal injuries Wednesday, October 19, 2011 by: S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) Thousands of massage therapists are now incorporating infrared sauna sessions into their menu of services, and clients are routinely requesting the new technology for elimination of toxins, healing muscles, increasing circulation, firming skin, erasing sun damage,…

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause – The Beginning of Massive Inflation – October 19, 2011

The Real World of Money featuring Andrew Gause The Beginning of Massive Inflation Andrew has been telling us for a while about the path of inflation. Today’s show is focused on the why’s and how’s and what will most likely happen in regards to inflation.Andrew also discussed: -The beginning of the bull market in metals…

Chris Thomas – Healer and Author of 11 Books On Healing and the Path Of Human History – Soul Reintegration – October 17, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Chris Thomas This is a cool show! Chris is loaded with mind bending ideas on who and what we were before we came to the planet,the cause and cure of disease, the reason the pyramids were built and how they work energetically. How can we maintain the whole of…

Can Herbs Interfere With Chemo?

Re: Can certain herbs minimize the effects of chemotherapy? Yes, No, Maybe. The most crucial variable is whether the LOCAL LESION is in its anabolic growth stage – acidifying the cancer – or if the IMMUNE SYSTEM is in its catabolic defense stage – alkalinizing the cancer. Without a (1) total titrimetric acid-base profile and…

Heather Fraser -Author of “The Peanut Allergy Epidemic: What’s Causing It And How To Stop It” – October 17, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Heather Fraser The Peanut Allergy Epidemic: What’s Causing It And How To Stop It October 17, 2011 Why is the peanut allergy an epidemic that only seems to be found in Western cultures? Where did it come from? Do pharmaceuticals play a role in the disturbing phenomenon? Historian Heather…

Bones, Sex, & the Color Orange (O-Range)

Osteoporosis is not helped by hormonal horse urine.   The estrogens supplied by the pharmaceutical-petrochemical-plastic-pesticide transnational cartels are synthesized from the urine of pregnant mares.   Synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a farce. Women, wake up and smell the horse pee … and its toxic chemical additives.   Germaine Greer, author of The Change:…

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause – Playing with the Magic Checkbook – October 15, 2011 – Show Is Ready Yea!!

The Real World of Money featuring Andrew Gause Saturday, October 16 Playing with the Magic Checkbook We had a good time with Andy as we do every week. He gave us the update of his personal experiences observing the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrators as well as: -His opinion of Warren Buffetts income -What he thinks…

BIG BROTHER NEWS-Homeland Security Application Monitors Crowds’ Faces, Races, and Eye Movements to Detect Would-Be Criminals

The Department Homeland Security is developing a system designed to apprehend you before you commit a crime. The Future Attribute Screening Technology, or FAST, is designed to analyze whether a person is likely to commit a crime, using a long list of factors. Some are akin to lie detection, such as breathing and heart rate,…

Some Interpretations of the Cancer Personality

Cancer has been thwarted by HYPNOSIS or PSYCHOTHERAPY or a combination of both. In the words of … Helen Flanders Dunbar, M.D., Med.Sc.D., Ph.D., Emotions and Bodily Changes: A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships 1910-1953, Fourth Edition, 1935, 1954, “There are some reports in the literature of disappearance of malignant or nonmalignant growths after…

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