Monthly Archives: July 2012

Physical Immortality Is the Breathless State

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “There is no death, only for those who don’t want to breathe on time. We don’t go to immortality. We ARE immortality.” “You see, breath-free is not an accomplishment to God because he’s already living in a breath-free state himself. So he needs to make a what? A manifestation….

Dr. Joan Vernikos – Using Gravity to Strengthen Every Part of Your Body – July 10, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Joan Vernikos Former NASA Director of Life Sciences and author of the new book “Sitting Kills, Moving Heals.” “Sitting Kills, Moving Heals” is the first popular health book on “sitting disease.” A number of new medical studies have proven that sitting too much shortens lifespan, even in people…

Joe Banister – Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent – How the Income Tax Lie is Working So Well – July 10, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Joe Banister Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent who learned of serious constitutional questions relating to the federal income tax and the federal banking and monetary systems. Mr. Banister’s expertise in the fields of accounting, finance, taxation, and law enforcement enabled him to not only understand these issues…

Walter E. Block Ph.D – Austrian Economist and Libertarian Theorist – Socialism, Fascism and Free Enterprise: It’s Very Unclear What’s Going On – July 9, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Walter E. Block, Ph.D Austrian Economist and Libertarian Theorist We spent an interesting hour with Mr. Block talking about the economic affairs and condition of this country. He’s behind Ron Paul and would like to see a Gold Standard and the Fed ended and if he were elected President,…

Thomas Poppe – The Power and Influence of Your Birthdate – July 9, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Thomas Poppe Author of The Code Each number in your birthdate has its own unique meaning and secret attributes that influence your abilities, personality, and relationships. By integrating the power of these numbers with their corresponding colors, you can begin to understand the forces that create balance, enhance talent,…

Why The Law Forbids The Medicinal Use of Natural Substances

8th July 2012 BySayer Ji Contributing Writer forWake Up World According to the FDA’s legal definition, a drug is anything that “diagnoses, cures, mitigates, treats, or prevents a disease.” The problem with this definition is that there are numerous substances, as readily available and benign as found on our spice racks, which have been proven…

Adano Ley on Breatharianism & the Diamond Body

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “Man is a breatharian organism, but he has to work through the oral processes.” “Literally, what you are is breathing.” “A breatharian is someone living only by the breathing process. You can become a breatharian at seventy revolutions.” “A breatharian is a super-allergist.” “One atom of oxygen could last…

High Cholesterol Means Low Cholesterol

Why does a rabbit get (temporary) atheromas from cholesterol, but a rat doesn’t? When a doctor decides you have high cholesterol, it actually (usually) means your cells are starving for cholesterol. Imagine an office building with the workers gathering in the hallways because they can’t gain access to their offices and their computers that run…

Joel Salatin – Confessions of a Lunatic Farmer – July 5, 2012

joe salatin, sustainable animal foods, july 5, 2012 Download [powerpress url=”″] View Transcript THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Joel Salatin American farmer, lecturer, and author whose books include Folks, This Ain’t Normal, You Can Farm, and Salad Bar Beef July 5, 2012 Salatin raises livestock using holistic methods of animal husbandry, free of potentially…

F. William Engdahl – Power, Control and Propaganda Alive and Well in the Belly of the Beast – July 5, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone F. William Engdahl Journalist-Historian-Economic Researcher and Leading Analyst on the New World Order and Oil Politics F. Wlliam Engdahl is our “Go to Man” for all things geopolitical. We find his view objective,unbiased and clear. Mr. Engdahl starts todays interview painting a pretty bleak picture of the financial collapse…

What Happens If Record Heat And Crippling Drought Cause Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The United States?

One more reason to grow your own food! Click here for our best interviews on sustainability Reprinted from It is too early to panic, but if there is not a major change in the weather very soon we could be looking at widespread crop failures throughout the United States this summer. Record heat and…

The Heart Chakra is Also the Death Chakra

The Piscean Cycle of the Iron Age was the Age of the Heart Chakra. The Aquarian Cycle of the Iron Age is the Age of the Throat Chakra. If you feel like your heart is in your throat, you’re ready to be an Intergalactic Power Ranger. You’re ready to cross the Rings-Pass-Not, biologically represented by…

Dr. Pieter DeWet M.D. – Is Disease a Curse or a Blessing? – July 3, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Pieter DeWet, MD Holistic Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Homeopathy, Family Practice, Chronic Disease Management Author of Heal Thyself – Is disease a curse, or is it a solution? As a matter of fact, an even more profound question would be, “Is disease a curse or a blessing?” Dr. DeWet joined…

Atom Bergstrom – Unzipping Our Supermanhood and Superwomanhood – July 2, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Eating and Lifestyles for Longevity A Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles, Gosta Ingvar “ATOM” Bergstrom was raised in New Jersey and the San Fernando Valley of Southern California. Atom has been teaching workshops and seminars across…

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