Monthly Archives: September 2012

Three Types of Body & Organ Language

I interpret three types of Body & Organ Language … (1) Immobile (Static) Engram-History Body Language. Your thoughts, actions, experiences, health, food, etc. (and many attributes of your ancestors) contribute to this type of Body Language. Genetic geometry associates with longitude – historical movement in an east-west or west-east direction. Thermal geometry (especially the nose,…

Open Phone Friday – Do It The Very Best, Or Forget The Rest – September 7, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY September 7, 2012 -Patrick tells about his childhood out of body experiences -Understanding the phrase, “Wherever you go, there you are” -The antithesis of spiritual freedom is government -Dental implants, root canals -Medical Miracles of Marijuana -Controlling the population by the “powers that be” -Say goodbye…

Study: 290% Increased Risk of Brain Tumor After 10 Years of Cell Phone Use

Anthony Gucciardi Activist Post How long have you been using your cellphone? Using a mobile device for any length of time is damaging to some degree, but new research is shedding light on just how significant of an influence extended cellphone use has on the brain. In a newly-released study conducted at the Örebro Hospita…

Basal Ganglia Action Selection Restructuring

My system of Body & Organ Language Analysis & Resolution – ACTION SELECTION RESTRUCTURING (ASR) – is the only emotional clearing technique in the world (I know of) capable of ~validating~ other emotional clearing techniques have actually accomplished what they advertise. Clue: Most have not. Case in point: NLP and other modalities relieve those suffering…

Dr. Stuart Nunnally, DDS – The Critical Truth on the Dangers of Root Canals- September 6, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Stuart Nunnally, DDS Holistic and Biological Dentistry Meet Patricks dentist: New research by Dr. Nunnally clearly shows in a peer reviewed study just how toxic root canals are and how the bacteria destroy critical enzymes for ATP production. ATP is mission critical in the cells to produce energy. If…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Destroying the Industrialized Economy and Wiping Out the Middle Class: The Camels Nose Is Under The Tent – September 5, 2012

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Today’s Topics: -The ECB is Europe’s version of The Fed -The ECB is creating Euros, buying the debt of Spain and Greece, and sterilizing the inflation effects at the same time. -What does all this EU and Fed “Action” mean us? -Big difference between liquidity and solvency -A…

Nutritional Amnesia Is Married to Medical Amnesia

Sugar won’t cause intestinal dysfermentation because sugar is easily resorbed by the stomach and never gets past the pyloric sphincter. Starch can cause intestinal dysfermentation because sugar is created out of starch by pancreatic enzymes in the small intestine. Milk rarely causes intestinal dysfermentation because it rarely makes it past the duodenum into the jejunum….

Are Organic Foods More Nutritious?

Source: By Steve Meyerowitz More Vitamins and Minerals There is mounting evidence that organically grown foods generate more nutrients and fewer nitrates. In a review of 400 published papers comparing organic and nonorganic foods, Soil Association Certification Ltd. Of the United Kingdom reported that organic crops were higher in essential minerals, phytonutrients, and vitamin…

The Seasons Do Not Err (It Is Said)

The Great Treatise of the I Ching (The Chinese Book of Changes) says … “There is nothing that has more movement or greater cohesion than the four seasons.” The word “season” is a devolved translation of the Chinese word SHIH, originally meaning “sowing time.” The “four seasons” exist in micro (Earth), macro (Heaven), and meso…

Laura Jackson – Today’s Earth Changes and Tomorrow’s New Paradigm – September 4, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Rev. Laura Jackson Speaker, Author, Coach, Consultant and Musician Today’s Earth Changes and Tomorrow’s New Paradigm Laura Jackson is a nationally-recognized speaker on earth changes, 2012 and New Paradigm Business. She is passionate about humanity and the exciting opportunities in this powerful time in which we live. Connecting pieces…

Atom Bergstrom – Our Psychosomatic Universe: It’s All Acceleration, Yet Can Fit Into A Thimble – September 3, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Atom Bergstrom A Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles Atom has been teaching workshops and seminars across the U.S.A. since 1977. With over 50 years experience in health and nutrition, Atom has been counseling people with various diseases and ailments since…

Teresita Urrea, the Amazing Saint of Cabora

The Saint of Cabora (Teresita Urrea) lived for awhile in El Paso – the West Texas city I’m currently visiting. Teresita Urrea (1873-1906) healed 50,000 people – including the blind – and it’s said her astral body on an astral horse led a few battles during the Mexican Revolution. Her sweat and saliva smelled of…

Public Schools Use RFID Chips to Track and Punish Students for Pre-Crime

By Susanne Posel In the San Antonio school district, the Student Locator Project (SLP) is being beta-tested at Jay High School and Jones Middle School – two schools in the Northside district. The SLP includes the use of radio frequency identification technology (RFID) to “make schools safer, know where our students are while at school,…

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