Monthly Archives: December 2012

Nestle To Start Producing Herbal Remedies…With Big Pharma?

by Lisa Garber Natural treatments—including Chinese herbal remedies—is gaining ground in both mainstream media and medicine. With the help of the Food and Drug Administration, Big Pharma is fighting the trend tooth and nail. But Nestlé is taking another approach. Nestlé will join hands with Chi-Med to form a new group, Nutrition Science Partners (NSP)…

Gene Acres (Control the Food, Control the People)

Most commercial farm acreage in the U.S. has been converted to the production of genetically-modified food crops. China has been growing transgenic wheat, corn, maize, rice, rape (canola), cotton, carp (the fish), etc. since the 1980s, heavily financed by the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Monsanto Corporation. (Note: 1980s is…

Listener Comments

I am glad I have taught my kids how to take care of their own health. I am grateful I found the information about health I needed to change diet more than 8 yrs ago. We used to medicate with asthma medicine. I found out is was only symptomatic treatment with no value to our…

Peru Passes Monumental Ten Year Ban on Genetically Engineered Foods

Peru has officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients anywhere within the country for the next ten years   In a massive blow to multinational agribiz corporations such as Monsanto, Bayer, and Dow, Peru has officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients anywhere within the country for a full decade before coming up…

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