Monthly Archives: April 2013

Laurie Beck – Beating Incurable Cancer with Watchful Waiting, Living in Faith and Shifting the Stinkin’ Thinkin’ – April 18, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Laurie Beck Beating Incurable Cancer Laurie Beck enjoyed a busy life as the successful owner of a Pilates studio, a wife, and mother, but then things took a dramatic turn — she learned that she had a rare form of incurable cancer. Today however, seven years after her diagnosis,…

Natural Ways to Prevent and Reverse Autoimmune Illness

Posted By Dr. Ben Kim As a followup to our look at the root causes of autoimmune illness, this post reviews several natural ways to protect yourself against autoimmune illness. In some cases, I’ve found that the steps outlined below can actually reverse some of the degenerative changes that can accompany various autoimmune illnesses. Give…

Lyme Disease Thrives On Manganese Oxidation

What if the Elite knew that the vector for Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, can’t survive without manganese as far back as the 1950s? Almost all other viruses and bacteria require an iron-replete host. They can’t survive without iron. For example, it’s been known for decades that the influenza virus can’t survive without iron and sulfur….

Susan Smith Jones Ph.D – The ABCs of Detoxifying Your Body, Pro-Youthing, Radiant Skin and More! – April 16, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D Internationally Renowned Motivational Speaker, Award-Winning Columnist, Holistic Wellness Consultant, and Pulitzer Nominated Author Fasten your seat belts healthy living lovers, you’re going to love this guest. She’s a ball of fire and has a lot to talk about, much of which is new to us…

Natural Solutions to Estrogen Dominance The WideSpread Problem with Estrogen Dominance: Aging and high levels of physical, chemical and emotional stress are associated with the loss of progesterone in women and testosterone in men. When these key hormones are depleted it causes a state of estrogen dominance. This state of estrogen dominance is one of the major factors associated…

Study: Apple Extract Kills Cancer Cells, Outperforms Common Chemo Drugs

by Mike Barrett April 16th, 2013 Are you a believer in using foods to prevent and treat illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer? There are countless foods and substances available for preventing and treating cancer, and in case you still aren’t convinced, maybe this new and exciting research will seal the deal….

Revealing the Connection Between Sugar and Cancer…Again

by Elizabeth Renter April 16th, 2013 An estimated 12.5 million people had some form of cancer in 2009, according to the American Cancer Society. Another 25.8 million have diabetes. These two preventable diseases are responsible for millions of deaths worldwide each year. In the constant battle to stay healthy, many of us know that too…

Acid-Alkaline Balance = Cancer-Aging Balance

Excess acidity provides the terrain for cancer to GROW. Sterols block the passage of oxygen, a condition Emanuel Revici, M.D., called Off-Balance Type A (anoxybiosis). Excess alkalinity provides the terrain for cancer to SPREAD (metastasize). Free fatty acids allow oxygen to flow in and out of the cell’s membrane. Free fatty acids are radiomimetic –…

Lawrence Wilson, MD – Profound Healing with Nutritional Balancing Science – April 15, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Lawrence Wilson, MD Nutritional Balancing Science Nutritional Balancing is a newer method of healing that is a synthesis of many modern and ancient healing sciences. In many cases, it is able to cause healing at very deep levels by delicately balancing the body chemistry and increasing the body’s adaptive…

John McManus – Our Personal Rights Come From God, Not From Government – April 15, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone John McManus President of the John Birch Society   Ever since its founding in 1958 by Robert Welch, The John Birch Society has been dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution. As Robert Welch himself explained, members of The John Birch Society come from all…

Best Kept Secrets to Prevent, Halt, or Even Reverse Macular Degeneration

Written By: Katherine Carroll, NTP Have you ever felt your money was wasted on supplements? That even though you consistently followed the protocol from your health-care practitioner you were not getting the results others obtained with the same program? You may have been right! We’ve helped hundreds of patients with age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) with…

Five Foods For A Healthy Digestive System

Click here for more articles Posted By Dr. Ben Kim If you’re experiencing bloating, belching, abdominal discomfort, or any other symptoms of an overburdened digestive tract, you may benefit from including one or more of the following foods in your diet – all of them are rich in nutrients that are particularly important to the…

Google Glass: obedience to the Matrix

by Jon Rappoport April 14, 2013 It’s now being suggested that Google Glass, the computers worn over the eyes, can be used to catch rogue stock traders before they wander off the reservation and destroy the firms they work for. Google Glass records everything the wearer sees and says. So if all brokers are…

6 Foods and Herbs for Arthritis and Other Inflammatory Pain

Click here for more articles by Paul Fassa April 13th, 2013   We’ve been conditioned to accept pharmaceutical prescriptions from doctors or to buy over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceuticals for pain relief. Some prescriptions can be addictive and all of them have unhealthy, and sometimes dangerous side effects. Many of these drugs are taken to treat some…

Adrenal Insufficiency Is Misnamed & Misunderstood

Re: What about adrenal insufficiency? It’s misnamed and misunderstood. What is called “adrenal insufficiency” is oxytocin insufficiency. The remedy for oxytocin insufficiency is obvious – it’s caused by a lack of hugging. Hugging insufficiency can be quantitative and/or qualitative. Adrenal insufficiency has to do with adrenaline and noradrenaline and the adrenal medulla. Oxytocin insufficiency has…

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