Monthly Archives: May 2013

Oil Pulling: A Healing Therapy for Dozens of Diseases

Karen Forster, Prevent Disease One Radio Network Oil pulling is an age old Ayurveda process which works on the root cause of symptoms and helps the body in its healing process, hence takes significant amount of time in giving you the desired results. The cost is the price of a daily spoonful of coconut oil–cheaper…

Kundalini Casualties From “Kundalini Awakening”

Re: Why is distance healing dangerous? Can you please explain? Distance healing is an example of the finite power of Kundalini, not the infinite power of the Unified Field. G.I. Gurdjieff warned (quoted by P.D. Ouspensky, In Search Of The Miraculous, 1949) … “And above all, Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man’s…

William Thomas – SPECIAL SHOW Geoengineering and Solar Radiation Management (Chemtrails) – Ripping the Web of Life Apart (Part 1) – May 2, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone 2 HOUR SPECIAL (Part 1) What in the World are they Spraying and Why? Geoengineering and Chemtrails   William Thomas A professional investigative reporter for nearly four decades, the investigative writing and photography by William Thomas have appeared in more than 50 publications in eight countries –with translations into…

Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk: The Milk Battle

by Christina Sarich Dairy farmers had quite a marketing plan back in the 1980’s that made them more than 13 billion dollars in recent years. With commercials touting milk mustaches and encouraging little kids to drink their milk (even if it’s chocolate, and full of refined sugar), should we question if cow’s milk is really…

Dane Wigington – SPECIAL SHOW Geoengineering and Solar Radiation Management (Chemtrails) – Ripping the Web of Life Apart (Part 2) – May 2, 2013

THE MORNING SHOWwithPatrick Timpone   2 HOUR SPECIAL (Part 2) What in the World are they Spraying and Why? Geoengineering and Chemtrails   Dane Wigington Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. His personal residence…

Delta Is the NOW State Of Existence

Re: How about a future blog on some tips and tricks for growth in the area of overcoming unconsciousness? Sleep is what happens when carbon dioxide refrigerates the brain. Wakefulness is what happens when oxygen warms up the brain. Intellect is what happens when oxygen overheats the brain. In the words of Adano Ley (Swami…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – He Who Sells What Isn’t His’n, Must Buy It Back or Go to Prison – May 1, 2013

Andrew Gause The Real World of Money Show Highlights: -Why do we say mayday when in trouble? -Gold and silver demand explained in its entirety and why the disconnect with the “Spot” price. -The paper gold and silver actually alters the supply of the metals -The dangers of International law that The Boys are in…

Free Will vs. Cultural Programming: The Matrix Loses

ByDaikan Basho Human beings are curious creatures in that they have a most unusual capacity for free will, yet, are so easily manipulated, controlled, and subjugated by other people. Quite a paradox. The deciding factor between which of these two inherent states one occupies, mental freedom or mental slavery, often has to do with how…

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