Monthly Archives: June 2013

Bucky’s Question, Adano’s Answer

I found this going through my notes tonight. I have no idea who gave it to me. (?????) It’s titled, “Bucky’s Question, Adano’s Answer.” Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) wrote … . What can the little individual do? Mildly American educated I read, I write, I count on my fingers not a genius only me tinier…

Open Phone Friday – Love Is All There Is, the Rest is Smoke and Mirrors – June 28, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY Patrick talks with listeners and answers emails on health, wealth and well being. Call in and share your ideas and experiences with others. Show Highlights: -Real health and healing starts with the spiritual, mental and emotional -Looking further into Serrapeptase, Trypsin to clean things up in…

Are Your Organic Eggs Legit?

When you’re frying up those organic, free-range eggs on a Saturday morning, visions of hens running around outside, pecking at bugs and happily clucking about under the sun may come to mind. The reality is, though, most industrial organic-egg producers aren’t creating anything close to those living conditions. As it turns out, organic-egg standards might…

Positive Thinking Improves Health Better than a Placebo

by Christina Sarich June 26th, 2013 In a paradigm shifting book written by Dr. Larry Dossey,Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing,he gives scientifically supported evidence to suggest that compassion, empathy, generosity and sharing have an overwhelming effect on our health. In his book, he maps some relatively ‘strange’ methods of healing…

Dr. Richard Massey, MD – Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life – Diseases Are There To Help: Making Them Counter Offers Over Killing Them – June 27, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Richard Massey, MD Ask Dr. Massey   Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine Show Highlights: -Heart issues from a spiritual perspective -Perhaps Nattokines for clots and the dangers…

The most important antioxidant for diseased cells

Sat. June 22, 2013 by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (NaturalHealth365) Known as the “master” antioxidant and detoxifier, glutathione has been shown to help prevent disease by detoxifying the body, reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system. This essential antioxidant works to protect your cells from the inside out and helps to slow down the…

Dr. Larry Nims, Ph.D – Be Set Free Fast: Eliminating the Emotional Roots and Self-Limiting Belief Systems That Are Embedded in the Subconscious Mind – 2 Hour Special Show – June 25, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Larry Nims, Ph.D Be Set Free Fast 2 Hour Special Show BE SET FREE FASTâ„  [BSFF] is a highly focused Energy Therapy method for eliminating the emotional roots and self-limiting belief systems that are embedded in the subconscious mind, and which automatically determine and control most of…

Darshan As White Blood Cells & White Light

Re: What is the significance of the number of individual leukocytes that one can see? I’ll assume you’re asking about the connection between leukocytes (white blood cells) and darshan. The quantity of white blood cells is probably irrelevant or at least of minor importance. It’s the ACTION produced by the white blood cells that counts….

Evan Folds – Water As a Sacred Organism and How It Allows Life – June 24, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Evan Folds Founder and President of Progress Earth, Progressive Gardens and A Natural Approach Folds believes that farming and producing nutrient dense living food are the foundation on which we can build a reasonable and responsible society for the future. “We must produce more and consume less”, says Folds….

A Spiritual Solution to Chemtrails and Life’s Other Problems

By Ross Pittman   “There is a power inside every human against which no earthy force is of the slightest consequence” – Neville Goddard. Science and religion agree on this: consciousness creates reality. You can use the power of your mind and your heart to change your reality. For those of you won’t entertain the…

Monsanto’s Game Over: Extreme Toxicity of Roundup Destroys Justification for GM Agriculture

Sayer Ji One Radio Network If Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide were actually ‘safer than table salt’ as they once advertised, the consumption of GM food wouldn’t be nearly as controversial. The truth, however, is that virtually all GM food today contains residues of this toxic chemical, which disproves that GM and non-GM foods are “substantially equivalent,”…

How—or Why—Do Viruses Become Lethal?

Catherine J. Frompovich Activist Post Those of us who research vaccine safety issues, which can include the ‘pedigrees’ of various viruses for which vaccines are manufactured, can’t help but wonder how so many unlikely cross-contaminations occur when, in nature, some, if not most, are highly improbable. Such improbabilities also tickle the interest of Dr. Bill…

What Everyone (Especially Vegetarians) Should Know About B12 Deficiency

By Chris Kresser In May of 2011, I wrote an article called B12 Deficiency: A Silent Epidemic With Serious Consequences. I argued that B12 deficiency is much more common than statistics indicate, with potentially devastating consequences. B12 deficiency can cause or is associated with: Premature aging Neurological disorders similar in presentation to multiple sclerosis Brain…

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