Monthly Archives: September 2013

10 Steps To Growing Cannabis Safely and Efficiently In Your Own Home

By Marco Torres There are many medicinal herbs that grow well indoors and cannabis is one of them. Well over a dozen U.S. states now allow you to grow your own cannabis plants for medical reasons with Oregon being the least restrictive with up an allowance of 24 plants. In Canada, medical users are permitted…

Study: Raw Garlic Consumption can Cut Lung Cancer Risk in (Nearly) Half

by Elizabeth Renter A new study out of China has remarkable findings in regards to lung cancer prevention. Lung cancer was responsible for the deaths of 158,081 people in the U.S. in 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention, above treatment, is crucial as more people die from this type of…

Turmeric Extract Kills Highly Lethal Pancreatic Tumors, Preclinical Study Reveals

Written By: Sayer Ji   Considering that the conventional treatment of advanced stage pancreatic cancer can result in as little as a 1% 5-year survival rate, new preclinical research on a liposomal turmeric extract that inhibits pancreatic tumor growth by 42% is all the more amazing. A promising new study published in the journal Anticancer…

Lyndon LaRouche – The Critical Importance of Reinstating Glass-Steagall, the Control of the British Empire and the Process of War After War After War – September 16, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Lyndon LaRouche American Political Activist and Founder of the LaRouche Movement Website: The unique role of Lyndon LaRouche in the past decades has been to warn that this collapse is systemic. Already in the late 60’s and 70’s he warned of the inevitability of this current collapse, if…

The Best Guru Is Your Automobile

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “Initiation is the key to the automobile.” “The guru is the salesman who guarantees comebacks and warranties. The mechanic is the person who teaches you to drive the car away from guys like us.” “Staying well is not to bump your car. Learning health is obeying rules.” “The car…

Black Don’t Crack & Other Benefits Of Melanin

Nicky Freeman, born in Australia in 1970, is an example of hormonal disharmony (dis-hormone-y). He is a 43-year-old man who looks like a boy. Brooke Greenberg, born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1993, is another example of hormonal disharmony. Andy Coghlan (“Teen-age ‘baby’ may lack master ageing gene,” New Scientist, Jun. 25, 2009) wrote … “‘I…

What Most Doctors Don’t Discuss About Clogged Arteries

By Dr. Ben Kim To most people, clogged arteries mean increased risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke. Often, getting diagnosed with partially occluded arteries leads to a prescription for cholesterol-lowering medication or invasive procedures like an angioplasty or bypass surgery. Before you find yourself being asked to choose one of these conventional medical…

Patrick McGean with Special Guest Dr. Richard Stump – Reversing Chronic Health Problems with Sulfur – Part 2 Follow-Up Show – September 12, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Patrick McGean Director of the Cellular Matrix Study With Special Guest Dr. Richard Stump Got Sulfur? Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes, and oxygen is necessary for healthy cellular regeneration in mammals. Plants, on the other hand, require carbon dioxide for cell regeneration, and plants can…

Clint Werner – Marijuana Gateway to Health: Getting Past Reefer Madness; It’s Not About Getting High – September 12, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Clint Werner Marijuana Gateway to Health How Marijuana Protects Us from Cancer and Alzheimers   Show Highlights: -Clint explains how he used marijuana to nurse a friend with AIDS resulting in extended life -How does marijuana affect the body? -Why is marijuana better than alcohol for recreational use? -The…

Your Nothingness Is Its Thingness At Its Fullest

Whenever Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) spoke, he “mounted his horse and rode off in all directions.” “I’m St. Peter’s bellboy.” “Spirituality is practicality. Divinity is immunity. Liberation is to act on command performance.” “You always sneeze at the truth.” “Your highest self is self-acceptance.” “If you like high tones, your mother is dominant. If you…

Dr. David H. Hathaway, Solar Scientist – The Curious Behavior of the Sun – September 10, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. David H. Hathaway Solar Scientist NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Understanding the Sun Is the sun behaving normally? What are sunspots, solar flares and CMEs? How does the sun affect our weather? These are just a few questions we asked Dr. Hathaway.   David Hathaway is the Heliophysics Team…

Tony Pantalleresco – When You Finally Realize the Medical Establishment Cannot Even Tie Their Shoes with Velcro, You’ll Know How to Take Care of Yourself – September 9, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Tony Pantalleresco Just a Guy Who Knows Some Great Stuff About Health We learned about Tony Pantalleresco through a request from one of our listeners in the UK and he has quickly become one of our most popular guests. Extremely passionate about natural health, Tony has a plethora of…

Why Low Salt Diets Increase Risk of Death and Cardiovascular Disease

Prevent Disease The pharmaceutical industrial complex has had great influence in scientific journals, medical literature and consequently Physicians in promoting the idea that salt is a baddy. Contrary to public perception, the reason the mantra of “eat less salt” has been advocated so strongly in decades past was due to the higher risk associated with…

Obama Wants to Bomb Syria, But Monsanto Is Already Carpet-Bombing Us

Written By: Sayer Ji Recently, MariaRodale, the CEO of the publishing companyRodale, Inc., wrote anopen letter to President Obama regarding Syria, urging him to reconsider his position to press for a military strike against Syria. While there is nothing unusual about Maria’s anti-war sentiment, with a recentWashington/ABC pollfinding nearly six in 10 Americans oppose military…

We Live in a Fish Bowl; the Trick is Not to Become Fish Food

By Patrick Timpone One Radio Network There are no secrets. There simply is not a form of communication that is totally secure. We’ve recently learned the highest form of encrypted data is being decoded. And this just published article from Germany’s Spiegel regarding documents they have uncovered regarding mobile phones and applications. if you…

Sulfur (Brimstone) Is One Of the Twelve Basic Minerals

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Grity) said … “The sperm is silicon. The ovum is carbon. Pregnancy is sulfurization.” “Sulfur is the mineral in taurine that prevents heart disease. You’ll find it at Heart Time.” “Psoriasis acts a little like herpes. T-9 is always sore. Expose the spine to the ultraviolet radiation spectrum. Rub the spine, especially…

The Number One Cause of Health, The Number One Cause of Disease

Prevent Disease As a society the center of our interest related to the human body is on disease care. We have misplaced our focus on figuring out all of the ways to defeat disease that we have forgotten our natural state which is health. We have been so poisoned and conditioned to believe that we…

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