Monthly Archives: October 2013

Michael Jordan & Dennis Rodman Of Cooperative Chemistry

I’ve been saying over and over again since 2008 that “Solar radiation detoxifies cholesterol.” The “sweet spot” for this alchemical reaction is from 11:30 to 12:00 noon. Both phosphorus and sulfur are necessary participants in this cooperative chemistry. Phosphorus is the Michael Jordan of cholesterol transmutation. Sulfur is the Dennis Rodman of cholesterol transmutation. Michael…

Getting More Bang For Your Buck With Pine Oil

Re: Why not inhale pine oil at night? The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is where the trees meet the troposphere, the bottommost layer of the atmosphere. Their meeting place is the home of the blue and violet luminous plasma known as St. Elmo’s fire. Pointy-topped pine trees especially attract these beautiful “spirit candles.” The nighttime…

What His Holiness The Dalai Lama Can Teach Us About Wellness

The 2013 Global Spa & Wellness Summit kicks off in New Delhi this Saturday, and the appearance of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzen Gyatso, on Sunday, October 6, will be a hot topic. The renowned spiritual leader’s keynote session, “What is Wellness?,” and the Q&A session moderated by Dr. Kenneth Pelletier following his…

Super Anti-Inflammatory Protocol

by Dr. Jockers Super Anti-Inflammatory Protocol: Individuals with leaky gut syndrome develop pronounced food allergens and sensitivities. It is essential that these individuals avoid inflammatory provoking food agents until the gut is repaired and the immune system is calmed down. When inflammatory agents are consumed the body may react with an intense immune response. The…

What Can You Do to Stop NSA Spying?

Michael Maharrey Activist Post Rosa Parks faced what likely seemed a hopeless situation at the time. Majority opinion, backed by the strong arm of government, relegated her to second-class citizenship. In that day, who imagined it would ever change? Parks was riding the Cleveland Avenue bus home from work in Montgomery, Alabama on Dec. 1,…

Dr. John Abdo – A Novel Approach to Healthcare Using Homeopathy, Nutrition and Herbs – October 3, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. John Abdo A New Approach to Healthcare John Abdo, a Naturopathic Doctor and PhD. in Clinical nutrition, has been practicing clinical nutrition for over 40 years in San Antonio, Texas. In the course of his career, he has developed a new approach to health care that is able…

Edna Bowen – Dreams and Soul Travel: Life Is Learning More About Who We Are As Soul – October 3, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Edna Bowen The Places We Go When We’re Sleeping Interpreting Our Dreams, Is the Dream Life Real?, What is Soul Travel and Can Everyone Do It? Edna Bowen lives in Austin, Texas. She has worked with her dream life since 1971 when she became a student of Eckankar,…

Disgusting: Even Huge $11 Billion Fines Don’t Stop Big Pharma

( would you say if10 of the top 26pharmaceutical companies had been telling you bold faced lies about the drugs they sell you? Would you be upset? Irritated? Maybe on a good day, bemused? According to 2 papers published by one of the most prestigious medical journals – The New England Journal of Medicine –…

Next Generation GMOs: Questionable Nanoparticles are in Your Clothes, Organic Food

By Elizabeth Renter Are you aware of nanotechnology and nanoparticles? Nanoparticles are tiny—like really tiny. A piece of your hair is about 100,000 nanometers wide; it’s the unit of measurement that your fingernails grow in a single second, but their size isn’t the only problem.Nanoparticles are potentially toxic, according to the Alliance for Natural Health…

Research Proves Wheat Can Cause Harm To Everyone’s Intestines

The myth that you need to have ‘bad genes’ to experience intestinal damage from consuming wheat was disproved years ago. It is a common myth that wheat only causes immune-mediated intestinal damage within those with a rare genetically based aberration called celiac disease. Still relatively unknown research from 2007 clearly demonstrated that everyone’s body likely…

30 Minutes Exposure To 4G Cell Phone Radiation Affects Brain Activity: New Study

By Lloyd Burrell The peer-reviewed journal Clinical Neurophysiology has just published research showing that 30 minutes of exposure to LTE cellphone radiation affects brain activity on both sides of the brain.1 Researchers exposed the right ear of 18 participants to LTE radio frequency radiation for 30 minutes. The absorbed amount of radiation in the brain…

Happiness, Entertainment Media and the Sub-Conscious Mind

By Lewis Herridge Recently, I returned from Uganda after leading a 2 week trip with a group of teenagers. They were a great bunch and we got a chance to really integrate ourselves into the Ugandan culture, our highlight being a 4 day home-stay in a rural, remote Ugandan Village. At the end of the…

How You Can Manually Change the World: Turn Off Your TV

Bernie Suarez Activist Post It’s been called the greatest mind control device known to humanity, and amazingly it’s the one addiction that when truly broken can most change your life forever. Yes, that’s how bad this problem of mind control has become. You can cut the degree of mind control deception with a knife, it’s…

A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven (Midnight-Noon Law)

The Midnight-Noon Law (dividing the 24-hour day into 12 Organ Times) has been used in Asia for centuries. It’s been traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 in China), but it’s definitely more ancient. The Midnight-Noon Law – actually the 3:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Law – correlates 12 acupuncture meridians with the 12 Organ Times ……

Dr. Stephanie Seneff -Getting Older Faster: What Statin Drugs Really Are and Why They Don’t Work – October 1, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Stephanie Seneff Encore Interview! What Statins Really Are and Why They Don’t Work Stephanie Seneff, PhD, is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She has a Bachelor’s degree from MIT in biology with a minor in food and nutrition, and her…

A Mom’s View of Vaccinations: The Flame That Fuels The Debate

Sarita Coren, GreenMedInfo “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche To vaccinate or not to vaccinate that is theheated debate. Regardless of what position you hold, the vaccination topic carries weighted emotions like anger, fear, intolerance,…

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