Monthly Archives: January 2014

Patrick McGean – Bringing Oxygen Into Every Cell of Your Body with Sulfur – January 23, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Patrick McGean Director of the Cellular Matrix Study Got Sulfur? Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes, and oxygen is necessary for healthy cellular regeneration in mammals. Plants, on the other hand, require carbon dioxide for cell regeneration, and plants can store sulfur, while man cannot….

Organic food shortage hitting the US: are Americans becoming more health conscious?

Paul Lawrance Activist Post All over the US grocers are telling their customers that some organic foods are in short supply due to high demand. My Fox NYis reporting: A New Jersey ShopRite recently posted a sign saying the short supply (of organic and cage free eggs) was industry-wide and was due to increased demand…

Research Finds Black Seed Therapeutic For Aging Women

by Sayer Ji Two new studies indicate that black seed (nigella sativa) may provide a unique set of benefits to aging women by protecting both against metabolic syndrome and accelerated bone loss. As reported previously, black seed has been used for hundreds of years as both a food and medicine, and was once known as…

Woman Shrinks Inoperable Mass and Heals Her Thyroid Disease With Cannabis Oil

Jan 21, 2014 by MARCO TORRES In 2011, Lindsay Bunn Rogers was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and was immediately placed on medication to control her symptoms. She became more ill and eventually her entire thyroid was covered with palpable masses. Despite her doctor’s position that “nothing natural” would ever heal her, Lindsay found not only relief…

Psychobiotics: Bacteria For Your Brain?

Written By: Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D. Every functional medicine psychiatrist has case stories of the ‘probiotic cure’ – of a patient with debilitating symptoms, often obsessive compulsive range, whose symptoms remitted completely with dietary change and probiotic supplementation. Is this voodoo or is it based on a growing understanding of the role of the microbiome…

Alan Watt – Cutting Through the Matrix: What’s the End Game? A Planned Controlled Collapse Ensuring the Future Will Alway Be Theirs – January 21, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Alan Watt Cutting Through the Matrix Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development. His background is that of a renaissance man with a background in three professions, plus having various books published in religions, philosophy, poetry, mainly under pseudonyms….

Stan Deyo – Accepting a New World Order Through Imposed Fear – January 21, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Stan Deyo Accepting a New World Order Through Imposed Fear Stan Deyo has held Above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked undercover for the FBI. He was part of an exclusive “black project”, headed by Dr. Edward Teller specializing in the development of “flying saucer technology”. Mr. Deyo…

Tangerine Compounds Protect Against Long List of Chronic Diseases

Written By: Margie King, Health Coach All oranges have amazing health benefits. Tangerines are a particularly popular orange and a handy treat. Research shows tangerines may also have potent health effects in a wide range of chronic conditions from obesity to cancer. According to researchers from The University of Western Ontario, tangerines contain a substance…

Tom Paladino – Remote Scalar Energy Healing: Can Light from the Sun and Stars Heal Us? – January 20, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Tom Paladino Remote Scalar Energy Healing Can Light from the Sun and Stars Heal Us? Scalar energy is also known as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero point energy, qi, orgone. After years of experimentation and modification, Tom has developed a technique using scalar energy that will transmute pathogens…

Cows Eat What?! 6 Surprising Things Fed to US Cows

  by Elizabeth Renter For the most part, cattle in America are seen not as animals or living, breathing entities, but as commodities—products to be bought and sold for consumption. So, in many cases, the mistreatment of these commodities doesn’t get a second thought. Large-scale producers are interested in raising the most profitable product for…

The Thumb (Quality) & The 4 Other Digits (Quantity)

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “We’re the last but not the least. Last is first, first is last. We are first in quality, but environment is quantity. The dolphin came first and can never be greater than the last – you. The porpoise can be the middle finger, important, but not the thumb.” The…

New Study Links Wheat To Weight Gain and Diabetes

BySayer Ji Contributing Writer forWake Up World A new animal studypublished in the journalPLoSsheds light on a possible mechanism behind the weight- and diabetes-promoting properties of wheat observed in humans, and perhaps offers some vindication for Dr. William Davis’ New York Times best-selling but heavily criticized book ‘Wheat Belly,’ wherein the argument is made that…

NY state senator says: psych eval for all little children

Jon Rappoport Activist Post It’s Senate Bill A8186-2013. It’s been referred to the education committee twice, most recently a week ago. NY State Senator Margaret Markey introduced it in 2013. Previously, Markey won a few minutes of fame for introducing a bill that would stop all restaurants from using salt in their meals. AB 8186…

Creepiest Smartphone App Yet Scans Crowd for People with Dating Site Profiles

Kimberly Paxton Activist Post Imagine for a moment, that you are at the farmer’s market on a Saturday morning, getting your veggies and minding your own business. Suddenly, a creepy guy with a comb-over approaches you. “Hey, there. I bet you like long walks on the beach and strawberry margaritas, baby.” What? you think. How…

Dr. Gary Null, Ph.D. – Rebooting Your Brain: Natural Approaches for Mind Clarity, Reducing Inflammation and Anti-Aging – January 16, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Gary Null, Ph.D. Dr. Gary Null joined us this morning to discuss his groundbreaking work in natural healing for brain health as featured in his new book, Reboot Your Brain: A Natural Approach to Fighting Memory Loss, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Brain Aging, and More, which is the culmination…

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