Monthly Archives: March 2014

Platinum Has More Life Force Than Zinc

Atom’s Blog Platinum, tin, and lead have more life force than more chemically-active minerals such as zinc, copper, calcium, and magnesium. These metals are extremely toxic unless taken at certain times of the day in time-appropriate food, and in tiny amounts. Platinum plus ultraviolet radiation are allies of Time Conscious Eating. A platinum photographic print…

Shocker: comparing deaths from medical drugs, vitamins, all US wars

Jon RappoportActivist Post People want to believe medical science gives us, at any given moment, the best of all possible worlds. And of course, the best of all possible worlds must have its enemies: the quacks who sell unproven snake oil. So let’s look at some facts. As I’ve been documenting for years, the medical…

How to Nourish and Maintain Healthy Bones

Posted By Dr. Ben Kim Conventional advice to take a thousand or more milligrams of synthetic calcium along with a few other micronutrients daily is woefully inadequate because it fails to take into account individual differences and the many facets of diet and lifestyle that affect skeletal health. Nourishing and maintaining healthy bones best begins…

How Do Clays Differ?

What are the differences between Zeolite, Bentonite, Montmorillonite, Illite, French Green, Pascalite, Redman, Terramin, Living, Fuller’s Earth, Ormalite, Vitallite & Pyrophyllite Clays? byMichael King Almost all natural clays have value when promoting human health. Some may be consumed, others are best used only externally, and some are best reserved for industrial purposes. Clays in general,…

Dr. Richard Massey, MD – The Pros and Cons of Seperating Ourselves from Nature – March 27, 2014 The Second Hour of Podcast Has Been Fixed!!!

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Richard Massey, MD Ask Dr. Massey Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine Show Highlights: -It’s been a month today since Patrick started have digestive/gut issues. Dr. Massey has…

9 Key Factors Affecting Radical Remission From Cancer

By LissaRankin, MD When I was researching my book Mind Over Medicine, I stumbled across the Spontaneous Remission Project put together by the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which collected over 3500 case studies published in the medical literature about people who experienced spontaneous remissions from seemingly “incurable diseases.” Most of the case studies revolved around…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Producing More Than We Consume is the Key to It All; the Fed vs. the Free Market and More News from the World of Money – March 26, 2014

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

Rise Of the Superbugs & Their Genes

Atom’s Blog Recycled water is not microfiltered, so superbugs and their genes are spreading far and wide. More people are dying of antibiotic resistance now than are dying from AIDS. These superbugs are called ARB (antibiotic resistant bacteria). Their genes are called ARGs (antibiotic resistant genes). Of all the CECs (contaminants of emerging concern) in…

The Best Diet? It Isn’t a Diet at All: It’s Just Real Food, Study Finds

Organic Authority A recent comparison of popular diets (yes, including the Paleo diet) found none to be a “best diet” for optimal health compared with a well-balanced and generally healthy approach to eating focused on real food. Low-carb, low-fat, low-glycemic, vegan, vegetarian, Paleo and Mediterranean diets were among those compared for their health benefits. But…

Save and Support the Organic Food Label: Don’t let the FDA Win!

by Christina Sarich March 26th, 2014 If you want to keep eating food that doesn’t turn your organs into cancerous mush or cause infertility within three generations, then we need your help to protect organic farmers and their crops. TheSave Our Organiccampaign is meant to defend the organic food label from USDA changes, currently being…

Stop the World With the Delta Brain Wave

Atom’s Blog Inflammation is a major cause of heart attacks. Inflammation can also “cause” asthma, celiac disease, prostasis, inflammatory bowel diseases (plural), pelvic inflammatory disease, rheumatoid arthritis, transplant rejection, and a multitude of autoimmune diseases. There’s a psycho-physiological parallelism to inflammation. The ENGRAM is an irritation of tissue, including vascular tissue. If you don’t THINK,…

Raphael d’Angelo, M.D. – What’s Eating You? Testing for Parasites – March 24, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Raphael d’Angelo, M.D. ParaWellness Research Program What’s Eating You? Testing for Parasites Raphael d’Angelo, M.D., a holistic medical doctor, provides consultative services in the area of natural health. Dr. d’Angelo has over 45 years in medical microbiology and parasitology and conducts research in various aspects of infectious diseases….

Dr. Bradley Bale – Preventing Heart Disease, Stroke and Type 2 Diabetes Based on Genetic Factors – March 24, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Bradley Bale Beat the Heart Attack Gene: The Revolutionary Plan to Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes A revolutionary, personalized guide to preventing heart disease based on genetic factors Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in America. It affects 81 million Americans and is the…

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