Monthly Archives: August 2014

Dr. William Walsh – Advances in Brain Science: Nutritional Medicine to Heal Brain Disorders – August 14, 2014

  THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. William J. Walsh Nutritional Medicine William J. Walsh, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert in the field of nutritional medicine. He is president of the non-profit Walsh Research Institute in Illinois and conducts physician training programs in advanced biochemical/nutrient therapies in Australia, Norway and other countries….

Jackie Lyons – Magnetic Therapy: The Missing Link for Good Health? – August 14, 2014

Jackie Lyon Unlimited Energy with Magnetic Therapy Magnets have been used as powerful healing tools for decades. A breakthrough healing technique, magnet therapy supports the body’s natural inclination to restore itself to health. It has long been thought by experts that magnetism affects the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat,…

Trolling For Parasites With a Cold Stomach

The HEAT in your stomach is your protection against parasites. The chemical element HYDROGEN stokes the fire in your tummy. Fire is an agricultural term for “rapid oxidation.” You’re vulnerable to parasites if your stomach temperature is below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. You’re trolling for parasites if you skip breakfast (ideally eaten at Stomach Time). 101…

USDA Ignores Americans, Looks to Approve 2,4-D crops

Over a hundred million additional pounds of toxic pesticides associated with cancers and birth defects are coming to a field near you. UNLESS YOU STOP IT! “Agent Orange” crops are genetically engineered by Dow Chemical to promote the use of 2,4-D, one of the herbicides in the toxic mixture Vietnam veteran’s know as Agent Orange….

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Derivatives: 2.2 Quadrillion Dollars in Bets That Are Really Risky – August 13, 2014

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

How to Create a Self-Sustainable Food System

  Dr. Mercola Waking Times Industrial chemical-based agriculture, which produces the vast majority of US food crops, is actually destroying the soil that makes the growing of food possible in the first place. This is not true in other countries. Worldwide, 70 percent of the food is grown in backyards or small farms. That number…

Are You a Candidate For a Kundalini-ectomy?

Re: Are chakras “astral implants?” I was advised by a practitioner to have my chakras totally removed. The good news is you can’t remove your chakras unless you eliminate your entire crystalline, hydraulic, thermal, pneumatic, and sonic matrix. You can’t even “cleanse” your chakras, but it’s possible to “balance” them. 1) The first “chakra” is…

Connie Strasheim – Journey to Wellness : Healing Chronic Illness in Ways Conventional Medicine Fails To – August 12, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Connie Strasheim Journey to Wellness Connie Strasheim is the author of eight books on holistic wellness, including Lyme disease, cancer, detoxification, nutrition, chronic illness and spiritual healing. She is also a copywriter and physician podcast interviewer for the Alternative Cancer Research Institute, an organization dedicated to alternative and…

Will the Iraqi Dinar Ever Revalue?

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Question from Jim in Chapin, South Carolina Mr. Gause, we listen every week and enjoy your analysis and the banter between you and Patrick. I think you are off base on the Iraqi Dinar however. We’ve been following this for many years, I served there and there was…

Cancer Grows & Spreads In Two Different Ways

One of my pet peeves is “health food” authors claiming cancer is a disease of acidity. Yes. No. Maybe. YES / Cancer starts in an antioxidant acidic environment. So these “health food” authors are right about one thing – “antioxidant” nutrients actually promote the growth of cancer. NO / Once cancer starts growing, it spreads…

Dr. Harvey Bigelsen, MD – Germs Don’t Cause Disease: The Terrain is the Problem – March 18, 2010

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Harvey Bigelsen, MD Arguing Against the Germ Theory Hemobiographic Analysis Show Highlights: -Holographic Blood:Seeing everything in the blood; whether you are angry or sick, it’s there and can be seen -What’s the difference between regular blood tests and hemobiographic blood analysis? -The keys to the immune system lie…

A Poem for Bria

By Carol Crosby Oh,Bria Gal,we knew you well From stories our friend Pat would tell Of how he taught you where to roam Within perimeters of home.   We knew he fed you beef so rare He told us of your silky hair. And how he fought to keep you Free From illnesses and pesky…

Is There an Ebola Antidote Only Ten Feet Away From Its Source?

Is There an Ebola Antidote Only Ten Feet Away From Its Source? Atom Bergstrom One Radio Network   It’s said that the antidote to any disease is only ten feet away from the toxin that caused the problem in the first place. That’s certainly true in the case of mugwort, a remedy for poison oak….

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