Daily Archives: September 4, 2014

Kira Peikoff – Bioethics: When Does Medicine Cross the Line? – September 4, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Kira Peikoff Bioethicist When Does Medicine Cross the Line? Someone is out for blood—Zoe Kincaid’s blood. She’s a 20-year-old trapped in the body of a 14-year-old girl and her DNA could hold the secret of immortality. Could it be the Columbia University researchers who see her as the key…

Al Carter with Cancer Survivor Kate English – Pumping the Lymphatic System, Strengthening the Immune System and Overcoming Disease with Rebound Exercise – September 4, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Al Carter with Cancer Survivor Kate English The World’s Foremost Authority on Rebound Exercise Rebounding was the springboard for Carter’s thirst for knowledgeregarding good health. “The Healthy Cell Concept,” presented in his nextbooks The New Miracles of Rebound Exercise and The Cancer Answer, is the result of over…

Why We Can’t Cure Cancers

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Waking Times When do you think we will find a cure for cancer? Five years? Ten years? More? In 1971, Richard Nixon declared a ‘war on cancer’, over 40 years ago. Since then we’ve spent over 100 billion dollars or more searching for a cure. I recently saw this question on Quora:…

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