Daily Archives: October 9, 2014

Will the Real “You” Please Stand Up!

People with multiple personalities (dissociative identity disorder) often have multiple physiological conditions. Daniel Goleman (“New Focus on Multiple Personality,” The New York Times, May 21, 1985) wrote … “‘Some multiples carry several different eyeglasses, because their vision changes with each personality,’ said Bennett Braun, who directs a unit devoted to treating multiple personalities at the…

Yasmina Ykelenstam, The Low Histamine Chef – Choosing A Nutrient Dense Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Optimal Health – October 9, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Yasmina Ykelenstam The Low Histamine Chef   Histamine is found in mast cells. It it released to help fight infection/illness/injury, keep us awake, regulate our hormones, run our digestive system and as a neurotransmitter. Some people have unstable mast cells that release too much of it, or they…

Robert Von Sarbacher – Removing Biofilms from the Body – October 9, 2014

Robert Von Sarbacher Removing Biofilms from the Body Robert Von Sarbacher is a Trader in the Stock Market and a Nutrition Consultant with two master’s degrees. Robert has been studying nutrition for half his lifetime and was guided into health and nutrition when his partner at the time stopped eating refined sugars… curiously Robert asked…

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