Monthly Archives: October 2014

Don’t ‘Tax the Sun,’ Says Petition Author to Energy Company

Don’t ‘Tax the Sun,’ Says Petition Author to Energy Company | Care2 Healthy Living Customers who switch to non-polluting energy like solar and wind should be rewarded for doing their part to get off fossil fuels and help reduce climate change. Instead, a Wisconsin utility company is trying to penalize them, by charging homeowners who…

The Accepted Norms of Health and Wellness in Current Generations Are The Insanities of Tomorrow’s

OCTOBER 3, 2014 by MARCO TORRES Prevent Disease We don’t need to go very far back in time to see what was once acceptable in medicine is now frowned upon by even our mainstream society. In fact, many argue that many past tendencies were deranged insanities of that time. But do things really change through…

How to Manage the Ebola Scare and a Worst Case Scenario Using Vitamin C

How to Manage a Worst Case Ebola Scenario Using Vitamin C : Natural Society by Paul Fassa October 1st, 2014 Some alternative health sites are pushing the Ebola scare as much as or even more so than the mainstream media, with many of their sources being mainstream. But the scare isn’t quite asintense as purported,…

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