Monthly Archives: September 2017

Kidney & Kidney Bean Reflexology

Kidney & Kidney Bean Reflexology     By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog The kidney bean is in Geometric Body Resonance with the human kidney. And the ear. And the fetus. <> Geometric Body Resonance (named by Adano Ley) is also known as … Anatomical Alliteration (named by Dr. Ralph Alan Dale) Doctrine of Signatures (dating…

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – The Only Thing New in the World is the History we don’t Know -September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017 Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World…

Lipofuscin & Heavy Metals

Lipofuscin & Heavy Metals     By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Re: As early as 1912, progressive accumulation of lipofuscins concurently with aging was recognized in animal tissues. Capable scientists (giving them the benefit of the doubt) aren’t capable historians because lipofuscins were already linked with aging a hundred years earlier. Take it from The…

Why Clean a Moth-Eaten Liver?

Why Clean a Moth-Eaten Liver?   By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Cleansing a toxic liver is like washing a moth-eaten towel. The problem is holes, not laundering. Unlike a towel, the liver is supremely regenerative. It rebuilds faster and better than any other organ. The problem is “moths,” not toxins. <> Polyunsaturated fatty acids, highly…

The Ten Second Driver’s Test

The Ten-Second Driver’s Test     By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Marjorie Ann Morgan and I drove to Pacific Grove, California, to visit a Tibetan Lama, a personal friend of the Dalai Lama. Margie planned to lend Lama Lobsang Geshe Gyatso her car so he could take a driver’s test at the California Department of…

Open Phone Friday – Live every day as if it were going to be your last; for one day you’re sure to be right – September 22, 2017

  September 22, 2017 You and Patrick Timpone   When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience, taking a look at the latest news, and having a lot of fun. You’re invited to participate; we’d love to hear from you!   Show highlights: -Predictions that the…

Atom Bergstrom and our Yellow Fat Disease Special – September 21, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017 Atom Bergstrom Sun Sync  Solar        Atom’s Blog on ORN   Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he…

Andrew Gause and The Real World Of Money – The Federal Reserve Note makes the World go Round – for Now – September 20, 2017

September 20, 2017 Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World…

Michael R. Evans and The Geometry of Light – September 19, 2017

September 19, 2017 Michael R. Evans The Geometry of Light   Inventing – designing – lectures – painting – sculpting – writing       Michael has a diverse background in researching and exploring other dimensions looking and seeing how life works.  This from Michael’s website: “Art exists in the state of my being, not…

Common Sense Vs. Medical Nemesis

Common Sense Vs. Medical Nemesis   By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Re: So what do you recommend for me specifically to get my health back as soon as possible? Thanks for this question. So many people are confused by specificity in health issues that I’ll answer your question as a blog entry. <> I don’t…

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