Monthly Archives: November 2017

It’s Called Dharma In the Orient

It’s Called Dharma In the Orient     By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Cancer will forever remain incomprehensible to anyone who doesn’t have at least a minimum understanding of the information presented below. Cancer shape-shifts, but it does so within recognizable limits. It has to follow rules and limitations, just like anything else in this…

Don’t Butter Up the Common Cold?

Don’t Butter Up the Common Cold?   By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog What’s the difference between a bacterial infection and a viral one? Glucose worsens a bacterial infection, but improves a viral one. Cholesterol worsens a viral infection, but improves a bacterial one. That’s why viruses are attracted to both skin and nervous system —…

Remembering Melissa Wolfe

Remembering Melissa Wolfe   By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog My dear friend Melissa Wolfe went on her Cosmic Vacation last Saturday, November 4th. We had many adventures together since I met her in 1981. <> Here’s one of many memories. <> Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty), Melissa Wolfe, and I were on a Road Trip, driving…

Game-changing Study: Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14 Successive Generations

Game-changing Study: Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14 Successive Generations GreenMedInfo Research Group This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2017 The past of our ancestors lives on through us: Groundbreaking research illustrates how parental experience is not only epigenetically imprinted onto offspring, but onto an unprecedented number of future generations. Rather than occurring over…

Saving It Up Or Letting It Go

Saving It Up Or Letting It Go     By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Culture is usually constructed on control, especially the control of sexual energy. A despotic and authoritarian government can’t survive without sexual repression. Minding the brain is OK, but not the heart, and definitely not the genitalia. <> Letting go is verboten….

Patrick Timpone and Open Phone Friday – There Is No Rush to Get Old and No Use In Wishing to Be Young – November 10, 2017

OPEN PHONE FRIDAY with You and Patrick Timpone   When Anything Goes… And Usually Does!!! During Patrick’s birthday week He began to contemplate on just how many “Birthdays” He has had over many lives – We talk about how it is possible to drop off the Wheel of 84 and not have to reincarnate back…

Dr. Ellie Phillips D.D.S. – Results of Patrick’s Oral DNA test and Dental Hygiene Visit – November 9, 2017

Dr. Ellie Phillips D.D.S. The Science of Dental Health  Dr. Phillip’s first show  here was on July 31st. of this year.  Patrick was  impressed by her research and credibility with her work in creating a healthy microbiome in the mouth, he immediately took the oral DNA test.  The results showed nine out of the twelve…

Sacred Sex & the Left Big Toe

Sacred Sex & the Left Big Toe   By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog I wasn’t allowed in a sweat lodge because of my astrological armlet. The sweat lodge leader said it would burn my arm, and I wouldn’t remove it. During the ceremony, the sweat lodge leader’s wife, who remained outside too, explained that sage…

Age Spots Within the Body

Age Spots Within the Body By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Re: If apple cider vinegar and raw onion remove manifestations of Yellow Fat Disease (brown spots) on the outside, why wouldn’t the combination remove YFD on the inside of our bodies? Sometimes plausible reasoning or inspired intuition leads us to the right place. Sometimes it…

Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – Is Bit Coin as Solid Money as Gold -November 8, 2017

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money” and…

Biophotons: The Common Thread Linking Human Consciousness and Hidden Perils of Cancer Radiation

Biophotons: The Common Thread Linking Human Consciousness and Hidden Perils of Cancer Radiation   Green Med Info New research exposes how biophotons may be responsible for the transmission of adverse effects of radiation between individuals, and illuminates how the fabric of human consciousness may be based in light. To clarify the role of biophotons in communication not…

George Altgelt – Growing Food In Winter; From Sowing to Harvest – November 7, 2017

George Altgelt  Preparing Your Winter Garden  Growing Vegetables indoors this winter Growing Veggies in a green house Getting the best ratio and utilization of minerals Productive things to do now for your outside garden George studied Chemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology at The University of Texas, Austin and started Austin’s first organic nursery in 1971…

Estrogen Drives Cancer

Estrogen Drives Cancer       By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Estrogen drives inflammation and cancer, and it’s NOT a female hormone. For those who avoid “natural” therapies, here’s an article from a Montecito newspaper offering an alternative to chemotherapy (never a highest choice). <> Beverlye Fead (“Aging In High Heels: The New Old,” Montecito…

Atom Bergstrom – In The Health Field Very Little is as it Seems -November 6, 2017

Atom Bergstrom Sun Sync Nutrition   Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle…

Yin & Yang Of Taking Sides

Yin & Yang Of Taking Sides     By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) … “The left side is the descending side of the body, and the right side is the ascending.” “The left side is the constricting side of the body, and the right is the dilating side.” “The…


Dr. Alex Lewin Author of KOMBUCHA, KEFIR, AND BEYOND: A FUN AND FLAVORFUL GUIDE TO MAKING YOUR OWN PROBIOTIC BEVERAGES Fermented foods have taken the world by storm, as they help improve digestion, enable us to better assimilate vitamins and minerals and strengthen the immune system. Of all fermented foods, drinks are some of the most…

Madame Ghis – Individual Sovereignty by Knowing Yourself as Soul- November 2, 2017

Madame Ghis Individual Sovereignty Over the past sixty years, Madam Ghis has been roaming about, looking for an absolute truth. Trying different countries, and experimenting with different roles, including that of a physician, an entrepreneur, a mother, an author, a lecturer… And after all that, she came home only to discover that what she was…

The Scarlet Zero: MACRA Completes Government Takeover of Medicine

The Scarlet Zero: MACRA Completes Government Takeover of Medicine     by Kris S. Held, M.D. When Medicare and Medicaid were created, the government promised not to interfere in the practice of medicine in any way. President Lyndon Johnson signed the Act into law on July 30, 1965, ironically in Independence, MO. It read: Nothing in…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.