Surviving Survivalism

Leaked Army Manual Outlines Civilian Interment Camps

I received this link and a link to the actual document from one of our readers: The information should be enough to convince the most ardent non-believer that FEMA/Civilian Interment Camps are real! The manual outlines who is a civilian combatant (basically anyone who does not like the government), how to transport…

Exploring the Mysteries

The aim of all secret societies is and has been the creation of a philosophic society – in better words a Philadelphia (city of brotherly love). However the truth is that most secret societies have keep the “SECRETS” to themselves under the premise that they alone should be the keepers of the sacred truths and…

Not 99%

by Jess –, Contributor One Radio Network     You shout this at the top of your lungs as if you know what it means. Although, if you really are rebelling – that is cutting yourself from the cord of tyrants – you are most certainly not 99% of the population. 99% may not…

It’s Not About the Guns

By Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network As (hopefully) all of you reading this will know, the Second Amendment of The Constitution protects Americans’ rights to have weapons (arms) to defend themselves against a tyrannical, out-of-control government. Please note that it does not GIVE Americans the right to have weapons. It protects that…

Breakin’ Away

By Dan and Sheila Gendron We hear from many people that they are “stuck in their jobs” and feel that they will be trapped in that rat race forever, afraid to join the growing ranks of the unemployed and those displaced from their homes. They believe that they will forever – or as long as…

No Apology Needed

As we have been offering the remaining space in our community, we have been contacted by many people who wish they could join us, but just can’t leave their current family obligations. Sometimes there is a spouse who is physically ill, sometimes their loved ones just don’t “get it”. Besides expressing their deep longing to…

Yes – You ARE What You Eat

By Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network First of all, let me say here that we are not offering medical advice. The information here is simply our opinion, based on our own research and experience.   If you are wondering how it has been so easy for TPTB to have turned the overwhelming…

“Get a Job”

By Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network Our commitment to living the survivalist lifestyle includes living so far off the beaten path as to make a daily commute to work impractical to say the least. And so, in monetary terms, we have been living on just a few hundred dollars a year. Someone,…

Confusing Money for Value

Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network You should have seen us when we wore RolexesTM, big diamonds and the latest fashions. You should have seen our 3000 sq. ft. house that required a full-time housekeeper and gardeners, not to mention the electric, phone and water bills. You should have seen my long, weekly…

Fear Itself

Fear Itself by Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network If we were to pinpoint the one pervasive emotion in society today, it would be fear. People all around you are fearful of almost everything. They fear the police. They fear the IRS, ATF, TSA and all the other “alphabet police”. They fear…

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