Sustainability – Articles

Goodbye City Life! What You Should Know Before You Homestead

ByTess Pennington Guest Writer for Wake Up World You know, this whole “I’m going to be a homesteader” thing started with a completely random thought. I was perfectly content writing about preparedness and natural alternatives when a thought struck me, “I should be homesteading”. No amount of planning, prepping or reading from other homesteaders prepared…

5 New Solutions For Growing Healthy Produce Indoors

Jeffrey Green Activist Post An increasing number of people are moving into urban environments and away from traditional agriculture. As a consequence, those who have a mind for self-sufficiency can find themselves falling short. Storable foods are of course an important part of every emergency prepper’s pantry, but storable foods are not a sound long-term…

Whole Foods to Privately Support Local Growers with $25 Million

Heather Callaghan Activist Post If you are expanding a local growing or food business, you might want to look to Whole Foods Market. Or, do you wish to convert your farm to organic? They had success with their $10 million in fixed low-interest loans to over 150 businesses. So why not follow it up and…

Revised Laws and Urban Farming Projects Provide New Opportunities for Urban Gardeners

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Interest in urban agriculture is growing locally as well as nationally—a trend that is truly a cause for celebration. In fact, I’ve been encouraging everyone to plant a “Victory Garden” as a step toward fixing our broken food system.During the previous Victory Garden period Americans produced over 40% of the vegetables…

Hawaii Signs Bill Banning GMOs, Encouraging Community-Based Farming and Food Self-Sufficiency

Hawaii Signs Bill Banning GMOs, Encouraging Community-Based Farming and Food Self-Sufficiency Dec 9, 2013 by NATASHA LONGO Representing the people and members of the Hawaii County Council, Mayor William P. Kenoi has signed a bill relating to genetically engineered crops and plants, effectively booting global agribusiness and instead encouraging support community-based farming and ranching. After…

10 Simple, Cheap Home Gardening Innovations to Set You on the Path to Food Independence

10 Simple, Cheap Home Gardening Innovations to Set You on the Path to Food Independence Alex Pietrowski Activist Post The issue of food quality and food independence is of critical importance these days, and people are recognizing just how easy and fun it is to grow your own food at home. When renegade gardenerRon Finleysaid,…

4 Ways to Heal and Replenish our Damaged Soil and Food Supply

4 Ways to Heal and Replenish our Damaged Soil and Food Supply by Christina Sarich It’s a known, disappointing fact that genetically modified foods and modern farming practices have wrecked our soil. Research coming from multiple studies reveals that Bt toxins ruin the very earth that allows such abundant plant life to grow on this…

A Peaceful Awakening

Jon David Miller Activist Post It is a time of awakening, a time when growing numbers of intelligent people are becoming aware of the major challenges we face and are considering the situation. Awareness Of The Challenges Do you realize there is a secretive policy of non-disclosure for much of what is done by those…

Collecting Your Own Rain Water: Rain Water Catchement 101

Click below for interview milan bender on rainwater, the ins and outs and in between’s, october 22, 2013     By Milan Bender When and where was the first rainwater harvesting system built? Archeological evidence suggests that rainwater was being collected for use as early as 3,000 B.C. in parts of India and the…

Study Proves Sustainable Farms, Organic Farming Beats Factory Farms

by Christina Sarich October 15th, 2013 For those who are appalled at the way animals are treated in conventional livestock production, there is a better way. Sustainable livestock production practices include providing greater animal welfare, increasing biodiversity, and extending good working conditions to those who care for the animals, all while maintaining a profitable business….

Joel Salatin – Confessions of a Lunatic Farmer (Transcript)

Patrick Timpone: […] we may talk about the bees with Joel Salatin. He is on the line. Just quite a prolific guy, and he is quite a farmer. He’s got rabbits, he’s got pigs, he’s got cows, he’s got poultry, grass-fed, sustainable. On his website he says, I like this, I read it this morning,…

“Get a Job”

By Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network Our commitment to living the survivalist lifestyle includes living so far off the beaten path as to make a daily commute to work impractical to say the least. And so, in monetary terms, we have been living on just a few hundred dollars a year. Someone,…

Confusing Money for Value

Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors One Radio Network You should have seen us when we wore RolexesTM, big diamonds and the latest fashions. You should have seen our 3000 sq. ft. house that required a full-time housekeeper and gardeners, not to mention the electric, phone and water bills. You should have seen my long, weekly…

TYRANNY: City of Tulsa, Oklahoma destroys woman’s edible landscapng with over 100 varieties of medicinal plants

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) An Oklahoma woman is the latest victim of government terrorism after City of Tulsa code enforcement officials came to her house and illegally tore up her entire edible garden, which contained over 100 varieties of medicinal plants. Denise Morrison was in full compliance with…

How to turn your own back yard into an incredible food producing machine

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Learn more: (NaturalNews) This is a time of great change in our world. Many people are now, for the first time, realizing that the debt situation in the USA is entirely unsustainable and headed for likely collapse. There’s a lot of crazy news, it…

GM mosquito bred to destroy malaria

The fight against malaria could eventually be transformed by releasing into disease-ridden areas genetically modified mosquitoes that cannot transmit the infection. Scientists in America have engineered a species of mosquito which is resistant to the malaria infection. Its ability to block the infection suggests that it could come to dominate mosquito populations if released into…

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