Dr. Ross Stewart – Parkinson’s and Brain Health; Natural Ways to Get Your Life Back – April 29, 2019

Dr. Ross Stewart Parkinson’s and Brain Health   Parkinson’s disease is one of the most severely crippling chronic disorders of the nervous system and the brain center involved in the control and regulation of movement. A variety of genetic and environmental factors underlie the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Emergent research implicates relative nutritional deficiencies, neurotoxicity created…

Open Phone Friday – Right Thinking From The Deepest and Truest Part of You is Becoming Necessary to Survive – April 26, 2019

Open Phone Friday When anything goes… …and usually does!!!   The tube is out of the toothpaste as far as how our inner life affects our body in real time.   It is critical we get some awareness of how this all works. Chrystal Geyser water, often touted by guests, turns out has some arsenic karma…

Dr. Jennifer Daniels – April 23, 2019

Dr. Jennifer Daniels Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident    Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard…

Dean Henderson – The FED, Where The Bodies Are Buried and “The Boys” 5 G Blockchain Enslavement Plan – April 17, 2019

Tin Foil Hat Wednesday Hair raising topics that’ll make your head explode Dean Henderson The Feds 5G Blockchain Enslavement Plan This is a GREAT show. Don’t miss it!!   Mr. Henderson says 5 G, health issues aside, is about creating a “Hive Mind”, so all the little worker bees think alike, act alike, talk alike,…

Gabriela Masala – Author of Everyday Magnificent: Practices to Activate An Unlimited Life – April 16, 2019

Gabriela Masala   Author of Everyday Magnificent: Practices to Activate An Unlimited Life    After speaking with her for an hour, we believe this lady is “on it”.  Well worth your exploration…. indeed.   Gabriela has been steeping in universal wisdom teachings, contemplative expressive arts and energy medicine for over 20 years.  Her guidance is infused…

Atom Bergstrom – 78 Revolutions Around The Sun and Atom Has the Mind, Brain, & Memory of a Very Evolved Space Alien – April 15, 2019

Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Living   Please enjoy this two and half hour expedition into the research and mind of Atom Bergstrom.  Atom is live here the first and 3rd. Monday of each month.  You will be amazed at the breath and depth of research that he comes up with, much of it contrary to…

Open Phone Friday – We Are Learning So Much of How the Whole Soul, Mind Body Paradigm Works and it is Easy to Understand – April 12, 2019

Open Phone Friday When anything goes… ..and usually does.   Open Phones on Friday offering a little something for everyone….. As the saying goes, “The mind is a useful servant, yet a terrible master.”  Here some real life stories on the lessons Patrick learned to understand that you and I are not the mind.  …

Brandon Amalani – Tai Chi, Chinese Medicine and Staying Balanced on Planet Earth – April 11, 2019

Brandon Amalani Brandon Amalani has over a decade of experience in the natural health and wellness industry from retail sales to business management and product development. He owns and operates Shen Blossom LLC which is a company that develops high quality, organic herbal product that are rare in the marketplace. Shen Blossom is exclusive distributor…

Jacob Israel Liberman, OD, PhD – Author of Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living – April 9, 2019

Jacob Israel Liberman, OD, PhD Author of Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living We are all aware of the impact of sunlight on a plant’s growth and development. But few of us realize that a plant actually “sees” where light is emanating from and positions itself to be in…

Richard Feinman, PhD – Author of Nutrition in Crisis: Flawed Studies, Misleading Advice, and the Real Science of Human Metabolism – April 9, 2019

Richard Feinman, PhD   Author of Nutrition in Crisis: Flawed Studies, Misleading Advice, and the Real Science of Human Metabolism   Almost every day it seems a new study is published that shows you are at risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or death due to something you’ve just eaten for lunch. Many of us no…

Rev. Dr. Glen-Martin Swartwout – The Wizard of Wellness with Insights Into Staying Truly Healthy – April 8, 2019

Rev. Dr. Glen-Martin Swartwout The Wizard of Wellness   Rev. Dr. Glen discovered in the mid 1980’s that he was at over 99% risk of dying before 1996, based on Bioelectronics of Vincent (BEV) known in European Biological Medicine as the Medicine of the Future because of its predictive power. BEV assesses biological age via…

Open Phone Friday – Windows 7 and The Mind Do Two Things Well, Gather and Sort Incoming Debris – Nothing More – April 5, 2019

Open Phone Friday When anything goes… …and usually does!!   What is the spiritual significance of something of a phrase many Mom’s and Dad’s have used over the years:  “Do as I say, not as I do. Patrick tells his cavitation story and relates the entire experience with Dr. Nunnally last Tuesday. The “Devil” front…

Dr. Rulin Xiu – Soul, Mind, Body Science System – Love is All There is – April 4, 2019

Dr. Rulin Xiu Soul, Mind, Body Science System   Millions of people worldwide suffer from sickness in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies, as well from challenges in relationships and finances. Why do they suffer? How can we heal them? Millions of people would like to purify and rejuvenate their soul, heart, mind, and…

Maria Reich – Canine Nutritionist and Author of A Thousand Lifetimes: The Story of a Woman and Her Dog – Both Sides of the Tale – April 4, 2019

Maria Reich Canine Nutritionist and Author of A Thousand Lifetimes: The Story of a Woman and Her Dog – Both Sides of the Tale   On the way to the Dog shelter to give some donated items, as she wasn’t in the market for a dog, she heard quite clearly on the inner planes, “Get…

Jim Fetzer – Conspiracy Theories?: Sandy Hook, JFK, 9/1, Bobby Kennedy and More! – April 3, 2019

Tin Foil Hat Wednesday Hair raising topics that’ll make your head explode Jim Fetzer Conspiracy Theories?   Two Plus Hours of painstakingly gathered and documented research on all of ones favorite “Did this really happen the way ‘they’ said?”  The Murder of JFK The Sandy Hook Incident 911 Bobby Kennedy’s Murder Martin Luther King’s Murder…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.