Russell Finch – Citrus In the Snow: Growing Oranges In Winter Using The Sun and Geothermal Heating – February 5, 2019

Russell Finch Citrus In the Snow: Growing Oranges In Winter Using Geothermal Heating   “The biggest problem we have is government regulations…” Nebraska is known for its extreme temperatures, dropping well below freezing in the winter months and soaring to the mid-80s in the height of the summer. These temperatures are far from ideal for…

Atom Bergstrom – Unique Research and Analysis of Natural Healing, Great Stuff -February 4, 2019

Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Living Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle Davis,…

Tom Lewis, PhD – The Cause and Mechanism of How Veins and Arteries Throughout the Body Build Up Plaque – January 29, 2019

Tom Lewis, PhD Author and Renowned Health Expert   Ph.D. in Chemistry from M.I.T   Listen to this show and you will understand exactly how plaque builds up in the arteries and veins and what the initial causes are    “Today medicine focuses too much on “sick care” and not enough on “health care.” The treatments…

Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D – Lots of Great Insights on the Critical Functions of Thyroid and Much More – January 24, 2019

Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D Renowned Nutritional Counselor Note: Atom Bergstrom co-hosts this show as he is a huge fan of Dr. Peats Ray Peat acquired his PhD from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He started his work on hormones in 1968 and wrote his dissertation in 1972 in which he outlined his ideas on…

Wayne Blakely – Ending Sickness As We Know It – C-60: The Perfect Molecule – January 24, 2019

Wayne Blakely   Health Researcher Topic: C-60: The Perfect Molecule   Walter Russell, who discovered The C 60 molecule literally in other realities during a 38 hour “Out of body” experience is quoted as saying, ” When Mankind discovers C – 60, it will be the end of Sickness as we know it”  Hear the Truth…

Memorial Tribute to Andrew Gause, The Final Show – Star of Our Weekly Presentation , The Real World of Money – January 23, 2019

  Special Memorial Tribute to Andrew Gause Andrew with his lovely daughter Dee Dee on her wedding day We are deeply saddened to share with you the loss of a great man, our wonderful friend of many decades and the star of The Real World of Money, Andrew Gause. We are at a loss for…

Atom Bergstrom – Atom Discusses Fascinating Aspects of Emanuel Revici’s Book – ‘Research in Physiopathology As Basis of Guided Chemotherapy – With Special Application To Cancer’ and More – January 21, 2019

Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Living Topic: Atom will discuss Chapter 1 of Emanuel Revici’s Book – ‘Research in Physiopathology As Basis of Guided Chemotherapy – With Special Application To Cancer’   You can read the online version here:   Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and…

Gabriel Cousens, MD – Spiritual Nutrition, Vegan Lifestyle and True Holistic Veganism – January 17, 2019

Gabriel Cousens, MD Whole Person Healing   Dr. Cousens says there are a few essential nutrients that should be added to all diets, meat eaters and vegans   For 45 years, Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), ND(hc), DD (Doctor of Divinity), Dip. Ayurveda, Dip. American Board of Holistic Integrative Medicine, Rabbi, acknowledged Yogi, and Native American…

David Getoff – The Detox Professor – January 15, 2019

David Getoff The Detox Professor David is a certified clinical nutritionist and certified traditional naturopath with 25+ years of experience helping clients detox the natural way, eat healthier, lose weight, and by reducing dependency of prescription pills by incorporating natural supplements and vitamins. David firmly believes that the proper use of detoxification, nutritional supplementation, organic…

Dr. Paul Connett – The Dangers of Consuming Fluoride, Startling Studies – January 15, 2019

Dr. Paul Connett The Dangers of Water Fluoridation   Dr. Paul Connett is a graduate of Cambridge University and holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College.  From 1983 -2006 Paul taught chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY where he specialized in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. Over the past 32 years his research…

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND – Cancer, The Cure is in The Cause – Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies – January 14, 2019

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND   Co-author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies   People don’t just “Get Cancer” because of genes or by accident as the medical model researches, preaches and teaches world wide. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, cancer rates have increased exponentially―now…

Open Phone Friday – Patrick and Doodle Love You All and Thank You For Your Ongoing Support – January 11, 2019

OPEN PHONE FRIDAY When anything goes.. and usually does! -Patrick talks about his screenwriting adventures over the holidays.  He believes it may be a quite viable career for some as the need for new product, (Films), will be ever increasing moving forward.  The technology is moving quickly to allow faster, easier and less expensive ways…

Andrew Fletcher – Inclined Bed Therapy: Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free – January 10, 2019

Andrew Fletcher Inclined Bed Therapy   Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free   Hear Andrew talk about his adventure into this unique and fascinating therapy that goes way back to Egyptian Mummy days and has turned around many serious health issues.  Andrew has some great stories in this podcast.   Twenty…

Dr. Will Cole – Author of  KETOTARIAN: The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation – January 10, 2019

Dr. Will Cole   Author of  KETOTARIAN: The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation   Dr. Cole speaks a great deal on fasting, intermittent and all varieties.  Science shows when employed increases stem cells and also puts the autophagy function of the cells to work.  And this…

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