Patrick Timpone | How The Body Heals – Clear, Concise, & Credible Insights On How the Magic Happens | January 27, 2023

Patrick Timpone It Takes A Long Time to Get Young Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass…

Atom Bergstrom | The Whose Who of the Global Control Agendas. Fun Show | January 25, 2023

Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Living Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle Davis,…

Kristen Ragusin | Money Is Debt That We Create When We Borrow; If We Don’t Go Into Debt, the Whole Thing Crashes | January 24, 2023

Kristen Ragusin AUTHOR. SPEAKER. VISIONARY. The End of Scarcity Through her more than 30 years of experience managing over $150M in client assets at Merrill Lynch and Raymond James, Kristen learned all about the monetary system and finances. After the 2008 crash, Kristen set out to unravel & solve some of humanities most crucial belief…

Varis Ahmad | If We Are Clever, We Can Thrive On Most Any Diet We Choose | January 24, 2023

Varis Ahmad Nutrition-Philosophy-Anthropology Varis Ahmad is a Polymath and a regenerative farmer. He makes videos pertaining to healthy human development, hair loss, and longevity, as well as esotericism, philosophy, geopolitics, and cultural anthropology. He does this as a hobby and for contribution to the human experience. Visit Varis’s YouTube Channel Our state of consciousness, (what…

Dr. Jennifer Daniels | They Will Do Anything and Everything You Allow Them to Do to You In the Hospital | January 23, 2023

Dr. Jennifer Daniels Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident  Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University…

Patrick Timpone | The State of Mind We’re In When We Eat Determines the Food’s Effect | January 20, 2023

Patrick Timpone It Takes A Long Time to Get Young Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass…

Dr. Philip Ovadia | Heart Surgeon Talks About Why Heart Disease is So Common and the Causes and Cures | January 18, 2023

Dr. Philip Ovadia Cardiac Surgeon, Metabolic Health Specialist & Author Stay off My Operating Table: A Heart Surgeon’s Metabolic Health Guide to Lose Weight, Prevent Disease, and Feel Your Best Every Day For the past century, we’ve been bombarded with diet ads and advice from gurus and governments. Yet heart disease remains the #1 killer…

Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD | 3,000 Year Old Ayurveda Medicine Has Protocols and Herbs that Heal | January 18, 2023

Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD Author of The Prime: Prepare and Repair Your Body for Spontaneous Weight Loss Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD, author of “The Prime” ​​says depression isn’t just a mind game, but very much a gut game too and new research is validating what ancient medicine has been focused on for centuries. Two new…

Leslie Gilbert | The Only Expert Who Knows What’s Best for You Is You | January 17, 2023

Leslie Gilbert Author of You Are The Expert: A transformational guide to trusting yourself, building confidence, and creating your most fulfilling life When yoga teacher and wellness coach Leslie Gilbert faced a surprising series of medical diagnoses, she suddenly found herself thrust into a world of expert opinions and depersonalized treatment plans that left her…

Dr. Richard Massey | Soul Is Always Dancing with the Image We Have of Ourselves | January 16, 2023

Dr. Richard Massey, MD Your Health Questions Answered Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine [email protected] Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation830-992-1143 Dr. Massey explains how interventions performed at his birth put him into an…

Patrick Timpone | Raw Everything Appears to Be The Best Choice for Patrick – You? | January 13, 2023

Patrick Timpone It Takes A Long Time to Get Young Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass…

Patrick Timpone | Things Don’t Happen to Us, We Happen Into Things We Create | January 11, 2023

Patrick Timpone All diseases are unresolved spiritual issues  with no exceptions Diseases and toxins are different. We can ingest toxins and get rid of them, and even then it is a spiritual issue because it’s our karma. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.  This awakening in progress is asking us to step up…

Stephanie Person | Dogmatic Gurus Promising Magic Results Without Understanding Unique Needs of Us are Dangerous | January 10, 2023

Stephanie Person Keto Coach My low carb, high fat consulting credentials are completely self-taught. I first began educating myself regarding Keto Adaptation when my Mother was diagnosed with a terminal Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumor. The prognosis was 6 months to live. This prompted me to take an aggressive approach to learn ways to slow cancer growth. I dramatically lowered her carbohydrate intake and raised…

John LaSpina | A Clear Explanation of the Effects of Fat, Carbs, Sugar and Protein | January 10, 2023

John LaSpina The Seed Oil, Oxalate & Carb Addiction Teacher John earned his degree at West Chester University. He has 34 years of certified teaching experience. He has been on the ketogenic way of eating for over 3.5 years and considers himself a ketovore and wants to educate others about the Proper Way of Eating. Visit…

Atom Bergstrom | Building Muscles with Resistance and Foods; Diving Deep Into Sugar, Protein, Fat, & Carbs | January 9, 2023

Atom Bergstrom New Year, New You! Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle…

Patrick Timpone | We Do Not Belong On This Earth Plane – How To Make it the Last Time Around | January 6, 2023

Patrick Timpone We Do Not Belong On This Earth Plane – How To Make it the Last Time Around When one looks closely at what is going on here it is simply ridiculous The mentally impaired parasite class wants us here forever under their control Patrick has a different theory on why parasites are with…

Patrick Timpone | We Are the Only Ones Standing In Our Way of Fulfilling Our Wildest Dreams | January 4, 2023

Patrick Timpone We Are the Only Ones Standing In Our Way of Fulfilling Our Wildest Dreams Going within and thinking clearly about what one wants and how to get there is critical for success. Regardless of one’s chronological age is it is possible to learn to do anything that you want to do…. anything It…

Fred Dashevsky | Prepare Yourself for a Wild and Crazy Year In the Real World of Money | January 4, 2023

Fred Dashevsky The Real World of Money Fred Dashevsky is from Long Island New York. He attended University of New York at Albany and studied psychology, political science, and economics. Fred started in the coin business in 1984 in Northern New Jersey opening several offices in Southern California in the mid 80s. He returned to…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.