Monthly Archives: August 2008

Healthy Blogging with Atom Bergstrom

From time to time I get emais from our friend and author of “Yes, No, Maybe Chronobiotic Nutrition” and regular guest on One Radio Network {link to Atoms interviews} Here are some random and interesing musings from Atom. Sunbathing at midday can help osteoarthritis via immunosuppression Sunbathing at either side of midday can help rheumatoid…

Pumpkin Seeds Shown to Boost Sex Drive

(NaturalNews) Research shows that pumpkin seeds are a great libido booster. Pumpkin seeds are one of natures most perfect foods. They taste delicious, make great snacks, and add nutrient rich flavor and texture to salads and many other dishes. They contain many libido vitamins including the B vitamins, and vitamins E, C, D, and K….

Andrew Gause – 08.06.08

Currency historian and out”Go to” man for all things financial, Andrew Gause, says these dog days of relative quiet are the slow rising waters that appear before the tsunami. August ’08, is a buying opportunity for gold and all commodities as the dollar strengthens a bit for no substantive reason. “We may not see gold…

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