Monthly Archives: March 2012

The Way of the Tourist

The “way of the tourist” involves the paired SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEI of the anterior hypothalamus, the “light center” of the brain, and the light-sensitive protein melanopsin. The suprachiasmatic nuclei are receptive to “broad-capture light cues,” and can be metaprogrammed by heliotherapy, phototherapy, color therapy, or by traveling back and forth across Time Zones (east/west). The suprachiasmatic…

FDA Deletes 1 Million Signatures for GMO labeling Campaign

Mike Barrett NaturalSociety March 30, 2012 While the Food and Drug Administration has seemingly reached the limit for unbelievable behavior, the company’s decisions continue to astound and appall consumers and health activists alike. In the agency’s latest decision, undoubtedly amazing thousands of individuals yet again, the FDA virtually erased 1 million signatures and comments on…

School Is Spiritual Suicide

We need to DESCHOOL society, and transmute ALL LIFE into an open-ended educational experience. It’s time to truly democratize knowledge. The reason a TV station devoted to people phoning in with possible cures for cancer DOESN’T EXIST is because some 16-year-old kid will inevitably phone in with the cure and steal all the thunder from…

The Way of Eating Foods On Time

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “There’s three ways to Self-Realization. “Number one, you can eat foods on time. “Number two, you can travel around the world as a tourist. “Or, number three, you can sit down and close your eyes and meditate.” All three ways are directly or derivationally predicated on the brain’s responses…

Causes and Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Gout

Dr. Scott Graves Activist Post Do your joints ever feel stiff? Do you ever get pain in your joints after playing sports or doing something strenuous? When you are in colder weather, does it feel like you are not a limber as you would be in warmer weather? When you move one of your many…

58 Years Ahead of The Lancet

Moderation in all things, including supplements. According to The Lancet, June 29, 1996 … “There have been previous reports of lipoid pneumonia being indistinguishable from bronchial cancer but this is the first description of fish oil resulting in lipoid pneumonia.” (Incidentally, lipoid pneumonia is a hyperalkaline reaction.) As a prime example of MEDICAL AMNESIA, Emanuel…

Has the Dental Work in Your Mouth Turned You Into a Walking Antenna?

By Lina Garcia, DDS, DMD When considering the numerous reasons for the increasing prevalence of chronic illness in our society, I think that we should not overlook the possibility that metal-containing dental work, especially titanium implants, could be acting like antennas for the microwave transmissions going on between our cell phones and all of the…

Time Conscious Eating & Oxidative Attack

Time Conscious Eating slows human metabolism to protect against the downside of oxygen – free radical mediated oxidative reactions. These metabolic villains include … (1) Hydrogen peroxide – an energetic oxidant that can cause extensive cellular damage. (2) The hydroxyl radical – the most potent oxidizing agent known, a monovalent radical formed from hydrogen peroxide…

Dr. Rita Louise Ph.D., N.D. – Body, Mind and Soul Healer – March 27, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Rita Louise Ph.D, N.D. Body, Mind and Soul Healer March 27, 2012 SoulHealer, Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND is the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics and the host of Just Energy Radio. A Naturopathic Physician and a 20-year veteran in the Human Potential Field, it is…

Sheriff Richard Mack – The Greatest Threat to Us is Not Terrorism, it’s the Federal Government – March 27, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Sheriff Richard Mack Author, Speaker and Advocate of State and Individual Rights March 27, 2012 “The most important battles that we can take on are the ones that look impossible”-Richard Mack Sheriff Mack joined us this morning for a powerhouse hour on states rights, the destruction of the Constitution,…

14 defining characteristics of fascism: The U.S. in 2012

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross. — Sinclair Lewis, It Can’t Happen Here. (1935) Gregory Patin Activist Post In the spring of 2003, ex-corporate executive and political scientist Lawrence W. Britt published an essay in Free Inquiry magazine entitled “Fascism Anyone?” In his work, Britt…

Bob Chapman: The International Forecaster – The European Union is Unnatural and It Will Fail – March 26, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Bob Chapman The International Forecaster March 26, 2012 It isn’t over until it is over. Of course, we are referring to Europe and its version of 1984. We find it profound that the bankers, politicians and bureaucrats of Europe can do what they have done with a straight face….

Dimitar Sasselov – World Renowned Astronomer and Author of The Life of Super-Earths – March 26, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dimitar Sasselov Professor of Astronomy at Harvard Author of The Life of Super-Earths March 26, 2012 In the past year, we have witnessed unprecedented breakthroughs in the seemingly unrelated fields of synthetic biology and exoplanetary astronomy. In The Life of Super-Earths, expert astronomer Dimitar Sasselov aims to highlight these…

Scientists Confirm Bacteria is Essential to Proper Immunity

Anthony Gucciardi NaturalSociety March 25, 2012 Scientists are now confirming what many natural health advocates have been saying for years regarding the role bacteria plays in the body. Bacteria, and exposure to bacteria on a daily basis, is essential to a proper immune system. With many parents ensuring that their children are virtually never exposed…

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