Monthly Archives: November 2012

Colorado Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Industrial Hemp

Activist Post In a victory for freedom and common sense, it appears that marijuana will be legalized for recreational use in Colorado. Amendment 64: Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is leading 53.36% to 46.64%with 36% of the total vote reported. Amendment 64 legalizes the personal use, possession, and limited home-growing of marijuana legal for adults 21…

Prop 37 to Label GMO Foods Fails in California

Activist Post It appears that the big advertising push by big food companies defeated the California’s Proposition 37, a ballot initiative to require labeling of genetically modified foods (GMOs). The last few weeks has seen a stunning reversal of poll numbers in favor of Prop 37.Nationwide polls consistently show around 90% of Americans support GMO…

Howard Vlieger – GMO’s and Glyphosate Residue in Crops are Proven to Disrupt Digestion in the Entire Food Chain, Including Us – November 6, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Howard Vlieger President and Co-founder of Verity Farms Verity Farms currently has the privilege of working with family farmers in 7 states, family farmers raising crops and livestock. Verity Farms has a successful biological crop production program, working with biological farmers, organic farmers & conventional farmers, who are all…

Kris Hermes – Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research – November 6, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Kris Hermes Americans for Safe Access Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research Kris Hermes brings nearly 20 years of social justice activism experience to the fight for safe access to medical marijuana. He has worked in various cities around the U.S. generating media and mobilizing people to…

Homeobox Protein Mediates Radical Life Extension

Death in the service of life is valid. Apoptosis, programmed cell death, “cellular hara-kiri,” is a proper use of catabolism. Necrosis is cell death with inflammation, whereas apoptosis is cell death without inflammation. Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “You die to live. Catabolic produces anabolic to regulate catabolic to become metabolic. If your cells…

Atom Bergstrom – The Potency of Color, The Cycle of Immunity and Other Exceptional Musings – November 5, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Eating and Lifestyles for Longevity   A Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles, Gosta Ingvar “ATOM” Bergstrom was raised in New Jersey and the San Fernando Valley of Southern California. Atom has been teaching workshops and…

Political and Corporate Elite Shun GM Food on Their Own Plate

5th Novermber 2012 ByCarolanne Wright Guest Writer for Wake Up World With a sad twist of irony, corporate and government elite dine on safe, organic food while the masses, those very people who are supposedly represented and protected by their governments, are poisoned by hidden genetically modified organisms, pesticides and dangerous contaminants. The presidential family…

Emergency Sinus Drainage Point

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) had several names for the “emergency sinus point.” including … ESP point, emergency sinus reflex, emergency sinus drainage point, and spigot point,. It’s a reflexology point located between the last two toes (the “earth” and “water” toes) on both feet. Adano said … “A person with emphysema is attracted to foods…

Dr. Joel Wallach – It’s Not What You Eat That Kills You; It’s What You Don’t Eat – December 4, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND Author of Dead Doctors Don’t Lie “The Alternative Health Tell-All That Makes Doctors Cringe!” Skyrocketing health-care costs today are forcing many people to take another look at conventional medical treatment and determine how they can eliminate a major portion of costly medical…

Open Phone Friday- Doing Our Best, But Knowing When To Let Go and Give It Up to God – November 2, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Open Phone Friday -Intertwined throughout this show are lots of ideas on testing, protecting and understanding the challenges of the electrical, magnetic and radio frequencies that may be invading our space today. -The hazards of allowing doctors to do the belly button thing at birth -Ask and you…

7 Things I Learned from Hurricane Sandy

Posted by James Altucher Let’s clean up some myths first: Hurricane Sandy is not good for the economy. People in the media always claim hurricanes are good because of the rebuilding. This is bullshit. Yes, people will be buying new furniture, etc. But if it were good for the economy I’d come and smash your…

Jim Riddle – Why Eat Organic….and what does “organic” mean anyway? – November 1, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Jim Riddle Why Eat Organic… And what does organic mean anyway? We went to the top and found Jim Riddle to answer our questions about Certified Organic Food. Questions like: -Can we be assured seeing the organic label insures no GMO’s? -How do farmers become organically certified? -How…

Dr. Jonice Webb – Running on Empty: Overcome your Childhood Emotional Neglect – November 1, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Jonice Webb Running on Empty: Overcome your Childhood Emotional Neglect   Emotional Neglect is, in some ways, the opposite of mistreatment and abuse. Whereas mistreatment and abuse are parental acts, Emotional Neglect is a parent’s failure to act. It’s a failure to notice, attend to, or respond…

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