Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Green Giant (Nitrogen) Has Its Dark Side

Nitrogen – a muscle-building and anti-cancer element in its proper dose and form – has its dark side. In excess, in its various forms of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and others, nitrogen causes or contributes to many diseases, including cancer. According to “New ‘Blue Baby’ Disease,” Science News Letter, May 1, 1948 … “Infant methemoglobinemia is…

Why Does the American Academy of Pediatrics Put Corporate Profits Ahead of Children’s Health?

by GARY NULL AND RICHARD GALE The United Nations recently announced that its Fifth Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee session, scheduled for January 2013, would propose a binding treaty to ban ethylmercury (commonly known as thimerosal) from all medications and vaccines worldwide. That is welcome news. But it has laid bare the battle lines between those government…

Benefits of Ashwagandha: Promoting Sexual Health and Immune Booster

  by Elizabeth Renter Native to North Africa, India, and the Middle East, ashwagandha is a staple of the Hindu traditional medicine called Ayurveda. This herb, also known as Withania Somnifera or Indian Ginseng (though it is not related to ginseng), is known to pack a healing punch and to have significant restorative properties. Although…

SPECIAL SHOW: Evelyn Pringle – The Unconscionable Drugging of American Children and the Link to Violence and School Shootings – December 27, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Evelyn Pringle Investigative Journalist and Researcher The Unconscionable Drugging of American Children and the Link to Violence and School Shootings   Evelyn Pringle offers a very candid look at the business of drugging American children. She details the history of diagnosing kids with mental illnesses and tells us…

The Science Behind Good Vibes: How Mindfulness Actually Works

Editor, Prevent Disease Waking Times Achieving mindfulness through meditation has helped people maintain a healthy mind by quelling negative emotions and thoughts, such as desire, anger and anxiety, and encouraging more positive dispositions such as compassion, empathy and forgiveness. Those who have reaped the benefits of mindfulness know that it works. But how exactly does…

Cancer Rides the Elevator Up the Seven Chakras

Cancer manifests on the top four of the seven periods or “floors” … (1) Myeloblastic cancer proliferates on the first floor. (2) Lymphomatic cancer on the second floor. (3) Sarcomatic cancer on the third floor. (4) Carcinomatic cytoplasmic cancer on the fourth floor. Why would a SWAT team attack the fifth floor if they knew…

Superfoods, Superherbs and Super Immunity

David Wolfe, Reality Sandwich   Your immune system is vast and complex. It is designed to detoxify your body as well as protect your body from illness and foreign invaders.Harmful bacteria, viruses, calcium-forming micro-organisms, and candida are part of our world. Unfortunately, so are toxic chemicals, including everything from pesticides to car pollution to nuclear…

10 Predictions for 2013

Activist Post This past year, 2012, was an eventful year. We had another Olympics, a U.S. presidential election, the warmest year on record, and lived through the Mayan apocalypse. However, many things did not occur that many of the trend seers predicted, especially dramatic events that made the boldest predictions.As we enter 2013, time itself…

Are We “Timed” For a 24-Hour Day Or a 25-Hour Day?

Many chronobiologists contend our “natural” circadian cycle is a 25-hour cycle, not a 24-hour one. People living in caves for extended periods of time tend to follow a 25-hour circadian cycle. But human beings don’t live in caves (unless you’re a Morlock). Exposed to continuous darkness or reduced lighting conditions, we frequently switch over to…

Laura Jackson – Beyond 2012: We Made It, Now What? Being Committed, Aware and Fully Present – December 21, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone End of the World SPECIAL SHOW We Made It! Now What? Laura Jackson EDGAR CAYCE’S EARTH CHANGES PREDICTIONS AND PROBABILITIES Laura Jackson is a speaker, author and coach. Through her company, Soul Action, she gives people the tools and knowledge to traverse all that is happening in our modern…

Top 10 Probiotic Foods to Add to Your Diet

23rd December 2012 By Dr. Edward F. Group   Probiotics are beneficial forms of gut bacteria that help stimulate the natural digestive juices and enzymes that keep our digestive organs functioning properly. In addition to taking a probiotic supplement, you can also support your probiotic intake through eating foods that are hosts to these live…

Diamond Body Lifestyles & Carbon Under Pressure

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “There is no such thing as nonexistence. There is no way to get rid of the 144 elements.” “144 elements are distributed out to the 84,000,000 life forms. You are the only form containing all the 144 elements. That’s why man has dominion over the rest.” “There is no…

18 Things You Can Do Right Now To Become a Loving, Positive Person

By Josh Richardson We live in denial of our inherent negativity for the most part, and often wonder why the world around is so mean and reckless. Unlike dogs we may not be born eternal optimists, but positivity is something that can be imbibed even if a tad forcibly; such as by trying to tweak…

70 Percent of All Calories Are Consumed From Four Unhealthy Foods

By Mae Chan If we exclude sugar, approximately 70% of all calories in the western diet come from a combination of wheat, dairy, soy and corn. The problem is, they’re toxic to our bodies and don’t do anything to advance our health. Were it true that these four foods were health promoting, whole-wheat-bread-munching, soy-milk-guzzling, cheese-nibbling,…

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